Chapter 3

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Picture of Drew Roy as Jake Lore side!

"Yo El! Wake up!" Luke yells outside my door.

"Make me." I groan.

"I will." I hear another voice say. I can tell he's smirking.

"Touch her and you die." Luke says then opens my door. "Come on, El. You don't wanna mess up your perfect attendance since kindergarten, do you?" 

"Fine!" I groan and throw the covers off of me. Luke laughs as he walks out of my room. 


When I walk downstairs, everyone is in the kitchen eating. Jake looks up and smirks at me.

"I see you finally got up." He smirks. I glare at him and cross my arms.

"Oh, Ella you look nice today." Dad smiles.

"Thank you, daddy." I smile and kiss his cheek. I walk over to the fridge and get myself some orange juice.

"So who's the boy?" Mom beams. I start choking on my orange juice. 

"W..what?" I choke.

"Well you look a bit fancy today, so who's the boy?" She beams again. Jake, Luke, and dad are looking back and forth from me and mom.

"Does there have to be a boy for me to look nice at school?" I ask.

"Well talk about it later." She winks at me.

"Bye!" I yell, grab my bag, and then walk to Luke's car. I lean against Luke's car as I wait for him. I hear someone chuckling and walking over to me. I looked up hoping to see my brother, but Jake was walking over to me with a smirk.

"So if there isn't a guy, it's a girl, isn't it?" He smirks.

"No!" I scream and slap him. 

"Is it your little friend you eat lunch with?" 

I glare at him making him laugh.

"Too bad for you, I think she likes Nathan." He smirks. "Not everyone is like you, Ella, some people just don't roll like that." 

"I'm NOT a lesbian!" I scream. 

"Lore." I hear my brother warn as we walks over to us.

 "Pike." Jake nods before jumping on his motorcycle and driving off. 

"What was that?" I ask when we pull out of the driveway.

"Nothing." Luke shrugs. 

"Whatever." I say and look out of the window. What is going on with Jake and Luke? I thought Luke hated Jake!


I walk outside to our table and sigh when I sit down.

"What's up, buttercup?" Layla asks.

"I don't know." I sigh.

"Is it because Jake's not here?" I turn around and see Josh and Nathan standing behind me. I smile at them. Everyone is staring at us.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hello, so tell me is it cause Jake's not here?" Josh asks again sitting beside me. Nathan  smiles at Layla before sitting beside her. Jake hasn't been here all day, I'm kinda worried even though I don't know why. He's been a jerk to me ever since he came over for dinner.

"I don't know." I sigh.

"Wait, Jake talks to you?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah, he's living at my house for the next few months." I shrug and Nathan nods.

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