Chapter 10

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I'm sooo sorry for late updates everyone. I hate school so much right now! I have so much homework like every freaking day! Ugh! Well here you go!(: Picture of Eugene Simon as Daniel Harris side!

**Ella's Pov**

I wake up and come face to face with Jake. I stare into his deep brown eyes and smile. Wait, I'm mad at him! He hurt me again last night! But wait, then why is he in my room?

"Why are you in here?" I ask. My voice cracking.

"Well after you ran out on me, you talked to Layla, Layla yelled at Nathan, Josh, Jade, and Cooper, you asked me to carry you to the car and sleep with you, then you left the house in the middle of the night and almost got raped, and then you kept saying you really liked me and asked if I would sleep with you." He says. As he explains, I recall it all.

"So are you still in here? Shouldn't you be out doing something or in your room avoiding me?" I ask coldly. I will not let him in. He hurt me...twice!

"Nope, we agreed we would talk" He says.

"What about my brother? What if he comes in?" I ask. I will do anything to not talk about this.

"Nope, he left this morning to football practice then he's gunna hang out with Daniel, Zach, and Blake."

"What about my parents? Are they here?" I ask. My parents never come on my room, but anything not to talk about this.

"Nope, your dad is at work, and your mom is shopping." He smirks making me groan. "What? We need to talk about this." He states seriously.

"Okay. Go." I say acting bored. Jake blinks a few times.

"Well....ummm....I don't really know what to say..." Jake mumbles.

"I do." I say. "You hurt me...twice! Yet, I still have feelings for you. Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know. I do know you think you'll put me in danger if you get involved with me. Yet, I was in danger last night. And guess you saved me? You, Jake! You aren't gunna put me in danger and even if you do, I know you'll always be there to save me like last night." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"But what if I'm not, little kitten?" He says and wipes the tear from my cheek. "I would be a mess without you." He whispers. I stare at him. "You're so beautiful and you don't even see it, Ella. Your smile lights up the room. You have the most beautiful voice, and your laugh, don't even get me started on your laugh. It's the cutest thing I've ever heard. Trust me, I wanna be with you more than anything, but I can't." He whispers. As more tears stream down my face, he wipes them away and kisses my cheek.

"Jake, I don't care if you think I'll get hurt. I need to be with you." I whisper. Jake stares at me for awhile and looks like he's really thinking about something.

"Okay." He says after about five minutes of staring at me.


"But I'm gunna do it formally." He smirks. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He takes a deep breath and relaxes as he hugs me back. I pull away and wipe the leftover tears.

"So what shall we do as we wait for your family?" Jake asks with a smirk.

"Call of Duty!" I scream and jump off the bed.

"I still don't see how an innocent girl like you plays Call of Duty." He laughs as he sits down. I smirk and sit on his lap.

"I'm just awesome like that." I smile.

"I know." He says and kisses my nose causing me to blush. "You're so cute when you blush." Jake coos causing me to blush harder. I cover my face making Jake laugh.

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