Weird Letter (idk)

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[[slight swearing and mentions of s/x? Is that a tw idk]]

Seeks pov

I opened my eye(s). I felt strange...

Unusually strange.

I brought my hand up to my face so I could see if anything was wrong, I HAVE HUMAN SKIN!?

I got up out of bed and went over to my shelves. I remembered that one time I found a plastic circle in a humans pocket and if you opened it up, it had a mirror on one side.

I grabbed it off one of my shelves and flicked it open. I was very surprised to see, I WAS A HUMAN!?

I looked down and saw I had clothes on. I put the mirror back and ran out my room. I went into my hallway then I stopped when I saw a piece of paper on the floor. I went over to it, picked it up and read it:

Hello residents of the hotel,

I had cast a spell on the hotel before you killed me and it comes into effect today. You don't need to be very observant to realise that you are all human. I have also done you another favour. No other humans will be entering this hotel today, but just for today. Make the most of this opportunity while you can.


The name at the bottom is smudged, and all you can read is s. I finished reading the letter and I heard a door open.

I looked behind me and saw halt looking confused in the doorway. "what-"

"just read it," I handed out the letter and he took it.

He finished reading "ah, I'll go wake the others up." Halt said. He walked back through the doorway.

My entity form has quite a similar body shape to me as a human. I wondered what cool stuff human could do that us as entities couldn't. I also actually had a mouth and two eyes. It made more sense that I could talk now that I had a mouth.

Halt walked out of the one corridor and went past me to the other. I saw rush come out of one of the doors and he yawned.

"wait," Rush looked down, "I HAVE LEGS YESS!" he threw his hands up in the air and started running round the room. He was jumping up and down as well.

He was sprinting round the room, then jumped, but tripped over his own foot and fell to the floor. He burst out laughing then Halt and Ambush walked through the door.

"Whats going on with him?" Ambush asked.

"Figured out he had legs, then went crazy, running round the hallway then tripped." i replied


Ambush walked over to Rush, who was still dying of laughter, and started teasing him. Rush was kicking his legs up in the air and to stop Ambush from getting any closer to him and Ambush said he looked like a dying fly.

Halt had already gone back to his room and I went back to mine. I sat down at my desk and pulled the book infront of me. I was on chapter 5 now. It really was quite an interesting book. I flipped to the back to see how many chapters there actually was. 12, that should last me a while.

I went back to the place my bookmark was, got comfy in my chair and started reading. 

5 minutes later...

Someone knocked on my door, "come in." i said. Screech came into the room.

"please can I borrow a lighter and two lock picks?" Screech asked.


I stood up and picked the things off of the shelf and handed them to screech. "thanks!" Screech yelled, running out my room and slamming the door behind him.

I sat back down and carried on reading.

Sorry 20 minutes later...

I got to chapter 6 and slid in my bookmark. I closed the book. I decided I should go to the library to see if Figure is okay, and if he even understands what is going on.

I went out of my room and went down the corridor. Opened the door and came to my hallway. I didn't even know what was going on, just pure chaos. I thought it was probably better to leave them to it, so I carried on going through the rooms of the hotel.

I quickly got to the double doors that enclosed the library. I knocked, but before I had chance to open the door, Figure opened it.

Oh my f/cking god he looks so hot.

He was perfect, entity or not. I just wanted him to fuq me right here right now. I didn't care.

[[foreshadowing 😏😏😉😉]]

I was constantly fighting the urge to get on the ground and beg him to put his d/ck in me.

"hey seek, I got the letter." Figure said.

"t-that's good. I was worried that you wouldn't know what was happening." I stuttered. I could hardly speak.

"oh! And guess what!" Figure said excitedly.


"I can see!!"

"really? that's amazing!" I noticed he did have eyes, they were just mostly covered by his beautiful red hair.

He pulled my in for a hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I love you."

"i love you too."

After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"and now I can actually see, I tidied up some of the little messes." Figure said. He bought me over to a corner, which previously had a pile of random pieces of paper and broken or ripped books, now had nothing occupying the space.

"wow," I said, not really sure of what else to say, "you really did use your sight to your advantage. I probably wouldn't of thought of tidying things that would be hard to when blind."

"thanks." Figure said, smiling. He pulled me into another hug. I closed my eyes and let myself relax in Figures grasp.

[[hello! so next part is smut u should be excited. You don't have to read the smut if u dont want too. The next chapter after that will probably have no smut. I expect you to me be looking forward to it. Byeeee!
Words: 1041]]

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