The Infamous Door 100 (part 3/2?)

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[[⚠️this chapter is not part of the actual storyline⚠️ it's just a alternate ending to the other Infamous Door 100 chapter that @Farzana802 suggested]]

It was these next 30 seconds which would decide whether I would live or die.

And that was a terrifying thought.

I sprinted faster than I ever had. I followed the humans footsteps.

They went up the stairs. I followed them.

I was nearly falling over because my legs were so shaky.

The human turned right and I followed it.

There was no way I was going to catch the thing now...

A weird unexplainable feeling covered my body. Like a mix of guilt and sadness, but also anxiety.

I'm dead...

My friends are dead...

The hotel is dead...

All because of me.

They are all relying on me and I am going to let them down. A lot.

I tried to leap forward to try and kill the thing.

It didn't work. It kept running and I followed it.

Every step I took was loud and heavy, ringing in my ears.

We got to the elevator. I heard it jump in.

It pressed the button. That button.

My heart dropped. This was the end of us all.

I slammed myself on the closing door, just to find the elevator was already plummeting downwards. I let out the loudest growl I could.

There was nothing I could do. We were all going to die anyways, so I jumped.

I landed on top of the falling elevator, the human surprised by my actions.

Suddenly, I rolled off of the top of the elevator and into a little room I had never been in before. It had a weird smell and was nothing like the rest of the hotel. I felt round the walls, desperate for something that could help me.

I found some stairs [[just pretend ok]] they went both up and down. Knowing the elevator was going too fast to reach it, I climbed up the stairs. They were metal just like room 100.

After a bit of echolocation, I realised those stairs were the stairs that I chase the human up when they have finished the fuse puzzle.

I went up, back towards the elevator. I stood before the hole the elevator went down.

That was my fault. This hotel will be gone because of me.

I felt terrible.

I took a deep breath as I heard footsteps echoing round the metal maze. I recognised immediately, it was Seeks.

He turned the corner. He said nothing. Was he mad at me?

He quickly ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"it's okay," he said softly. I wrapped my arms around him tighter.

"it's not your fault," he said. I could hear him softly crying.

"thank you." i whispered. what he said made me feel a little better about myself.

Dupe pov

I was worried. Did the human make it or did they not?

Me and sometimes Eyes, hang around door 25, just incase anymore humans come for whatever reason.

We had a long way to go before we got to door 100. We didn't want to call glitch because we didn't know what he could have been doing.


"what the fu-" I turned around to see a few humans dressed in some important looking clothes and had guns in their hands. That answered my question. The human unfortunately made it...

"run!" i shouted. Me and eyes shot through the rooms, trying to outrun those humans.

I tried to slam a door in their faces and then use chairs to barricade the doors. It didn't work for long though, as the humans were quickly back on out tail.

We passed Seeks hallway.
Then the library.

It seems as though the other entities has already heard the gunshots had ran as well.

Jeff, El Goblinlo and Bob had heard, as they were gone.

Eyes had noticed something on one of the drawers and went to pick it up. I quickly realised it was a lighter. He lit it, and then threw it behind us.

"good thinking," i said in between breaths.

The humans screamed and were held back a little bit.

We made it to door 100. All the entities in the hotel were gathered at the top of the stairs near the elevator and Guiding light was explaining something.

"They're coming!" Eyes yelled.

"Just jump, I'll save you." Guiding said.

Seeks pov

Me, Figure, Rush and Ambush were the first to jump. I held Figures hand as we were falling. I don't really know why we were trusting Guiding light because they nearly killed me a few days ago.

The falling kinda feels nice. It was an unexplainable feeling, but it was nice.

I look down and see the ground. It was covered in Guidings blue sparkles. The ground was quickly coming towards us.

I land and I'm fine. We quickly get out of the way so the other entities can fall.

Guiding light then explains that the hotel will be used by humans and this is where we will have to live from now untill we die.

What happens: so the hotel becomes like a 5 star hotel and the entities are living beneath it. Occasionally, a human or two will somehow find it's way down here but will get killed immediately. Being there was quite boring (if that's where floor 2 will be, then that's were they are forced to go if yk what I mean.) then one day they all get either killed or just spontaneously die you can choose (/hj)

[[⚠️remember this is not the actual storyline/au⚠️
Well I'm sorry if the writing isn't as good as it usually is, there have been a few things happening and a few things I've had to focus on and for that reason I might not be posting as frequent or as much as I used to sorry. Pls forgive me uwu.
Words: 1000]]

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