A Confession

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[[hehe this Is the moment you all (hopefully) have been waiting for. Yes, ik ik it's 'moving a bit quick' I just want to get to the actual figure x seek stuff because it's a seek x figure book after all. Anygays, enjoy!
!a little swearing!]]

Seek pov

I woke up, my mind still clouded with thoughts of Figure.

I looked at my clock and saw I had a an hour or two before I had to start killing humans.

Then I realised I didn't know how I was going to tell him. I thought the easiest way was just to blurt it out.

I let out a big sigh full of nervousness, and got up out of bed. I opened my door and went down the corridor, then opening another door to get to my hallway.

My palms were the sweatiest they ever had been, and my body way too shaky to be okay as I approached Figures library.

I knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds before opening it, to see Figure sat at his desk.

I tried to gulp down the overwhelming fear, but it wouldn't go away. I was scared that if Figure didn't feel the same, he would think less of me, and maybe not even be my friend anymore.

I sat down on my usual chair as he greeted me, and I greeted him.

"seek, are you okay? Your Heart seems to be beating very fast." Figure said, worry taking over his voice.

"yea, I just ran here, I'm fine." I replied, being the opposite of fine.

"um Figure?" I murmured.


"i have something to tell you..."

"go ahead," he said while turning his body towards me, so he was sitting sideways on the chair. I did the same and rested my arm on the back of the chair.

F/ck. F/ck. F/ck. Welp, I'm dead. I'm too far into this now to back out so here goes nothing!

"well, ever since I met you, you have been so kind and caring. You are my best friend, and really the only one who I feel cares for me anymore. I wish I could be as perfect as you are. What I'm trying to say is, I love you Figure!"

I squeezed my eye shut in terror, practically being sick in my mouth because of the anxiety. Every second that went by made me feel more fear than the last, just wishing he would say something, even if it was 'sorry seek, I don't feel the same'.

"Seek! I-" Figure stuttered.

"it's fine! I get it if you don't feel the same!" i opened my eye and looked down.

"no Seek, I love you too!"

Those words made my entire f/ckin life. He had no idea how much I had longed for him to say that. Its crazy how much of a difference four words could make.

"wait- really?" I muttered.

"yes Seek! I love you!" Figure exclaimed.

I flung my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my body. Then, all the fear stopped. I stopped shaking. My palms weren't sweaty anymore. I was no longer feeling like I was going to throw up.

I was happy. More then happy. There were no words for the emotions I was feeling.

I allowed myself to relax a bit more in Figures grasp. His touch was calming, but you would think the opposite for a towering entity, that rips heads off of humans daily.

Figure pulled away and stood up.

Figure pov

Using a little bit of echolocation, I was able to find out the position Seek was in. I slid an arm under his legs, and put my other one behind his back.

"what are you doing-?" Seek questioned.

I lifted him up off the chair and walked round the desk. I walked to the stairs and cautiously stepped up them.

I have gotten pretty good at navigating around the library, as its really the only place I go. I hardly ever need to place my hand on the wall, or ask Seek to guide me when I needed to go somewhere in the library.

I feel him rest his head on my chest as I was walking, letting me know he trusted me. Just by that small action, I could tell he really liked and felt safe around me, because I don't think humans would trust other blind humans, to carry them and not fall.

I walked over to the sofa infront of the railings that stopped you falling down a metre onto the hard floor below.

I carefully placed Seek onto the surprisingly soft cushions of the sofa, then sat down next to him.

He moved closer to me and I wrapped my arm around him to pull his body closer.

"how do we tell the others about... Um, this?" seek asked.

"easy, we don't."

"um, ok," seek laughed. He turned sideways and pulled his legs up to his chest.

I enjoyed being close to Seek, but I knew it was probably near to the time we had to start doing our daily jobs.

10 minutes later...

"what time is it?" I questioned.

"ummm," I could feel the goopy entity stand up and I guessed he looked at the clock by my desk, "8:45, I should probably be going now."

"aw, okay."

I stood up as well and walked over to the stairs. Seek was walking beside me. When we got to the centre of the room, seek hugged me.

"see you later Figure." seek said.

"see you, Seek." i replied.

Seek pulled away and started walking towards the door. I went over to my desk and sat down on my chair, so when he was gone I could read a bit before any humans come.

I heard the library doors open.

"love you!" seek yelled. I didn't get a chance to yell back before he shut the door.

Seek pov

I closed the door and sprinted through the hotel. I soon got to my hallway, then turned into a puddle of ink beneath the floor. I moved over to the spot I normally am when players first encounter me.

Just in time. A player walked through the door a mere few seconds after I had taken my place.

Just as they reached the end of the 'normal' hallway, I emerged out from the ground and started chasing them at full speed.

They turned their head around and I could see the fear etched into their face.

Then I remembered why I loved my job so much.

[[ hello, hope you doing well. I am not dead just because I didn't post for one day I am alive (I think 😳). I hope you liked it and see you later!
Words: 1143 ]]

Seek For Your Heart // Seek x Figure //Where stories live. Discover now