Chapter 12

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[[so from now on, if I have no idea what to title a chapter, I'll just make it the chapter number]]

Still seeks pov

I woke up, tied in Figures grasp. We were back to entities again. I was confused for a second about where I was, but quickly remembered last night.

I raised my head a little, trying to look at the time, and also trying not to wake Figure up.

We had a hour before we would have to do our jobs.

"good morning Seek," Figures voice scared me a bit, I thought he was still sleeping. "oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

He was so kind, apologising for the littlest of things. Some of the entities in this hotel won't even say sorry if they rip your head off.

"it's fine, morning Figure," I said. He wrapped his fleshy arms around me even tighter.

"How long have we got?" Figure asked me.

"about an hour," I answered.

40 minutes later... Sorry

"goodbye Figure," I said, hugging him tightly.

"bye seek!"

I turned and walked out of the library. I sprinted through the many hallways and rooms and soon got to my hallway.

Eyes, Halt and Dupe were walking to the opposite door as I walked into my hallway.

"where were you last night?" Dupe asked. He smirked and shot me a 'I know' look.

"uh-" I raised my hand to the back of my neck as I struggled to think of an excuse. "heh w-what do you mean?"

"you know what I mean," said Dupe, the trio obviously not convinced.

"well, we should probably go now, the humans will be coming soon," Eyes said. I took a deep breath as they walked out of the room and I made a mental note to thank Eyes later.

I sunk into my puddle of goo and went over to the place I usually emerge from. I waited.

I didn't have to wait long, I could already hear footsteps going over me, then away from me. I got up out of the floor and pulled myself free from my sticky ink.

The human looked terrified. It started running as soon as it saw me take another step onto the wooden floor.

It quickly crouched under the fallen book shelves and I jumped over them. The human was stumbling a lot, which meant it would probably trip over soon.

We turned the corner of a split room and the human slid under another fallen book shelf. It kept running, but not for long, as it accidentally stepped on a book and face planted the floor.

I picked it up and the human screamed before I chucked it at a wall. The dead body dropped to the floor and I returned to my hallway.

After their jobs cuz why not...

The last human for the day dropped to the floor. I decided I would go to Figure to- I don't really know, I just wanted to go there and see Figure.

I continued through the rooms of my chase and the rooms of the hotel. I got to the reception looking place before door 50.

I could hear some noise coming from door 50. I pressed my ear up to the doors to try and Figure out what it was before I went in.

I could make out some sort of singing and it sounded beautiful. It sounded like it was Figure as well.

I was amazed. I didn't think Figure could sing!

I could make out a few words. I think he is singing 'rise'.

I opened the door and Figure immediately stopped singing.

"that was amazing!" I congratulated.

"oh uh- you heard that?"

"yes! It was great,"


"can you sing it for me?"

"im not that good-"

"pleasseeee??" I asked. "for me?"


He sang a bit of the song and it sounded beautiful.

"that was wonderful!" I said

"really, you think that?"

"yes!" I ran over to Figure and threw my arms around him. He hugged me back. "how do you know you can sing?"

"I don't really know," he thought for a moment. "I think I read it in a book, then tried it."


What if Figure never found that book? What if he never found out he could sing like that? Then I thought back to a few days ago. What if that human had lived? What would we be now? Probably dead. What if Figure didn't throw that book? What if that book wasn't even there in the first place? What if we weren't here in the first place? What would this hotel be?

I shook my head and returned to reality. No more 'what if's seek. This is reality and how it will be.

I took a deep breath. "can I read some of my book to you?" Figure asked.

"yes!" I said. We walked over to the desk. Figure sat down in his chair and I sat down in mine. Figure reached for the braille book rested on the table.

He started reading and I rested my head on the back of the chair.


"i dived down deep into the water for the last time. That's the end of chapter 19." Figure said.

I glanced over to the clock. It was getting late.

"you read that really well," i said. "well I should go now. Bye Figure!" i stood up.

"bye Seek! Love you!" Figure said. I went out of the doors and shut them behind me.

I walked through the many rooms. I got about halfway to my hallway. I looked to the right and saw the number '41' on the wooden door plate thing. Then I looked to the left and saw '40'.

Another one of dupes tricks again. I looked back and as expected, I saw that the number on the previous door had been scribbled on. I just guessed and went right.

I turned the doors handle, but before I could walk through, Dupe jump scared me and flung me back, landing on the floor. I didn't fall because I was scared, he just pushed the player whenever they go into the wrong door.

"what do you want," I sat up and looked at him.

"hehe, I just wanted to tell you that me and some of the other entities are going to door 1." Dupe said happily.


Dupe teleported away. He can teleport, but only from door to door. He can't do stuff like, teleport outside of the hotel like glitch can, and he can't teleport others.

I got to my hallway, went to my room, fell onto my bed and went to sleep.

[[ hi. I haven't updated for like a week sorry. I don't really know how I feel about this chapter, that's part of the reason why I haven't updated this book for a week heh. Well see ya in like 4 days idk when I'll post the next one byeeeee
Words: 1162]]

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