Goodbye (I'm Sorry)

305 12 12

Third person pov
The next day...

Seek woke up. He quickly realised he had overslept a bit, therefore not having time to go see Figure.

His job seemed to go quite quickly, and as soon as the last human lay lifeless, he ran through the winding hotel halls, up to door 50.

Seek knocked, entered. The pair of entities greeted eachother warmly, with a hug.

Figure suggested going to the courtyard, as it was supposed to be a nice night.

They walked trough the rooms, Seek guiding Figure. They quickly arrived at the courtyard, and went to the end of one of the stone paths and sat down, their backs rested on the outside walls of the hotel.

Seek described what he could see, and Figure tried his best to paint a picture of it in his head. The moon shon brightly onto the courtyard, and the stars made patterns in the sky. The bushes and trees swayed from side to side in the slight breeze, leaves occasionally drifting softly onto the ground.

Figure held Seeks hand tighter.

"I love you,"

"I love you too."


Hello, I am sorry to say, but this is the end of the book.

I just haven't had the motivation to write recently, and other more important things have been taking up my time. I used the last bit of motivation to write a mini story to end it off cuz you guys deserve it :).

I might add more chapters if I ever feel like it, or make another book when floor 2 comes out, but idrk yet.

Thank you to everyone that has read this book, liked it enough to vote or even follow me, thank you so much for 2k reads (update: 4k 👀) (update 2: 6k!!!) I know 2k isn't much,but when I started this book, I was going to be happy if anyone even read it at all. I though 100 reads was unrealistic 👀.

(it was on 99 for a painfully long time) (edit: 200 votes!)

Well, thank you so much for reading, and goodbye 👋🏻.

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