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Figure pov

I fell asleep shortly after seek as reading on top of the fact that I was very tired made me quite sleepy.

I woke up about 50 minutes later and found that seek was resting his head on my shoulder. I liked it. His touch was comforting even if it was only a little part of his body.

I leaned my head towards seeks and tried to put my mind at ease.

It seemed I woke him up as he quickly darted away from me. "uh- sorry." he said.

"no, it's fine, sorry I woke you up." I quickly apologised.

I stood up and felt for any returned books on my desk. I felt three and picked them up, walking towards the nearest book shelf. I felt for a empty space and inserted one of the books.

I went over to another row of books and found that there were no spaces, so I tried another one. Luckily, both books fit and I didn't have to walk around the whole library, trying to find a space for the books.

I heard seek stand up and walk over to me. "can I look around see if there is a book I would like to borrow?" he asked

Seek pov

"yea, sure go ahead," Figure replied.

I walked over to the bookcase opposite the desk. I ran my finger along the row of books as I read the titles situated along the spines.

The library had all sorts of books, some that I saw were, 'how did I set my house on fire?', '101 ways to make spaghetti.' and 'how I met my wife: autobiography.'. An especially weird one I came across was titled 'why is my baby not moving?'

I spent a few minutes walking around the library to find the perfect book to read. I kept skimming through the titles, trying to find something I liked.

...'humans' veiw on the afterlife'. That title sounded intriguing. Hang on, what's an afterlife? I pulled the book out of its space to read the blurb.

...An afterlife is a consept that human have, where you go to a wonderful place when you die. What that place contains is different for everyone. In this book, you will find out what different people interpret that place to be...

I was going to ask Figure if I could borrow that book, then I glanced to my right and saw a title I thought was more interesting. 'life outside of earth and the galaxy explained.'

I went over to Figure and told him. "I found I book I would like to borrow."

"no problem, what's the title?"

"life outside earth and the galaxy explained."

"i have a braille copy of that book! It was cool to learn about space and stuff." Figure exclaimed.

"sounds interesting, can't wait to read it! Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"its fine, what am I supposed to do with hundreds of books I can't even read anyway?" he chucked.

I looked at the clock on the wall. 10:05.  "Wow, Time really does go quick when your having fun, it's already 10,"

"really?" asked Figure.

"yea. I'll probably be going now, see you tomorrow!" I said while walking towards the door.

"see you Seek!" Figure replied.

I then sprinted through the endless maze of doors and rooms, clutching the book I borrowed in my hand.

My legs were still tired, but fueled by the fact I would get to read my book and go to sleep.

Even though it wasn't that late, none of the entities were sat down on a sofa in my hallway, or trying to figure out what the strange thing they found in a human's pocket was, probably because were all pretty tired, just like me.

I went into the corridor that my room was in, quietly opened my door and went in.

I shut my door then went over to my desk. I didn't want to go to sleep just yet, so I decided I would read the book I borrowed earlier from the library.

20 minutes later...

I got to chapter 5 and decided it was time to go to bed. I put a random piece of paper into my book and used it as a  bookmark.

I got up off of my chair and walked over to my bed. I got under the covers and wrapped myself up in them.

My mind instantly went to figure. How nice he was, how much I liked being around him. How I feel safe when next to him.

Then it hit me. Do I like figure?!

I explored my emotions a bit more, and quickly came to the conclusion that I did like Figure.

Have I liked him ever since I met him? Ever since the first time we talked, I've felt like I do now.

I decided that I couldn't keep my feelings secret for ever, and that I would tell him Tomorrow to at least get it over with if he was going to say no.

That's another thing: does he even like me back? Well, when I accidentally fell asleep on him earlier, I could tell he woke up, but didn't move away. I only moved because I thought he didn't like it. But looking back on it now, it seems that he stayed there because he liked me.

But then again, he may have not moved because he didn't want to wake me up, as he knew I was very tired.

It was all very confusing, so I just tried to go to sleep and forget about it.

I focused on the rain splattering on the windows and the nice sound it made. Eventually, I was able to fall asleep.

[[hope you liked this chapter! At the time of writing this, my book has 100+ reads and is #45 - doors! Thank you all so much, I know it's not that much, I'm just surprised how quick it got to 100 reads (I only started this book 3 days ago!!) again, thank you all and hope you enjoyed :)
Words: 1018 ]]

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