Chapter 15

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[[tw?: dull kn1fes?]]

Seek pov

I woke up. I blinked rapidly to adjust to the lighting of the room I was in. I looked around and quickly realised I was sat on my chair in the library. Figure was walking round bookshelves, placing books onto the correct shelf.

He came closer to the desk, realising either the change in my heartbeat or my breathing, symbolising I was awake.

"seek?" Figure said quietly, that if I was still asleep, he wouldn't wake me up.

"hey Figure," I said.

"are you okay?" he asked, a little worried.

"yeah, I'm fine now," I said.

"that's good,"

I looked over to the clock. It was half 10(pm).

"I should probably go, it's getting late." i said.

"are you sure you you are okay? I wouldn't want you hurting yourself while I wasn't there." Figure said. I smiled in my mind.

I stood up. "you worry too much, I'll be fine," I said, walking over to him. I held his hands.

"okay then." Figure pulled me into a tight hug.

After a few seconds, I pulled away. We said goodbye and I went back towards my hallway. I did the usual: opened and closed the doors quietly, got into my room, flopped onto my bed and went to sleep.

The next day and last human...
Human pov

I got to the end of what seemed like the millionth room and opened the door. There was a eerily long hallway infront of me, and the gooey black eyes that had been scattered along the walls were gone.

I cautiously stepped into the hallway and walked towards the next door. I was just about to reach it when I heard a gooey sound behind me.

I quickly turned around and- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? A sticky ink like creature was running towards me at full speed. I ran through the first door, stumbling because of the unexpected event and new rooms. There were fallen over bookshelves resting on chairs.

A saw a little blue glow was lighting up the space I could crouch under. I doged under a few more bookshelves.

It was scary but the music was banging.

I swung open the next door and there were two ways to go. I didn't know which way to go because there were doors both ways. I just followed the blue light thingy and went left.

A few more rooms later, I quickly opened the door and found it was another long hallway. I immediately realised it wasn't a normal one though, as I saw goo hands, made of the same goo that creature chasing after me was, breaking though the windows and feeling around the hallway.

There are also chandeliers, falling from the ceiling and creating a blazing fire on the floor. I weaved around the fire and hands and burst through the door. It was a normal room. I didn't want anything to do with that creature again, so I slammed the door in its face, it being mad and trying to get out.

I noticed that there was something on the floor next to me. It was some sort of kn1fe. I picked it up and scraped the blade on the wall. It didn't do much so I figured that it was quite dull. I carried on through the hotel.

Door 49...

I opened door 49 and saw a little mini library. I went up the stairs and went behind the desk so I could check the drawers for more coins.

I took a deep breath and walked towards door 50. I assumed it was going to be some sort of boss fight because of the look of the doors, and legend has it, there are 100 rooms and 50 is halfway.

And I was right. I opened the door to see a big library infront of me. Then, a fleshy monster ran out from one of the bookcases. I wanted to go back, but door 50 had shut behind me, and like any horror movie, was locked.

The thing ran towards me. I pressed myself against the doors. I didn't know what else to do. The monster ran left of me. I ran.

I thought it might be like that black thing I encountered earlier. I ran and the monster thing obviously heard me and followed me. I got to the next door. My blood ran cold as I realised it was locked. I ran though a gap in the bookshelves to try and confuse it. The monster followed me and held me still. I remembered the kn1fe I found earlier. It was the only choice I had.

I got the kn1fe out of my pocked and the creature pushed me back. Before I fell over, I threw the kn1fe, not knowing if it hit or not. I fell to the floor and hit my head.

Figure pov

It threw something at me. I pushed it again. I picked the human up and bit it's head off, throwing the rest of its body to the ground.

I tried to find what it threw. I felt the wall and realised a kn1fe was wedged in it. I laughed to myself.

That noob. Imagine trying to kill a powerful entity with a small, dull kn1fe. Couldn't be me.

I pulled the kn1fe out of the wall and went to my desk. That was the last human, so I could relax properly.

I placed the kn1fe on the desk and opened my braille book. I started reading.

10 mins later ig...

I heard a knock on the library doors. I recognised the sound immediately. It was seek. He entered and greeted me. "hey Figure!" he said happily.

"hey seek!" I said. He came and sat next to me.

"the last human actually tried to kill me with this." i picked up the kn1fe and showed it to him.

"really?" he asked, I nodded, "pfft-"

"I know right!"

"did they actually hit or try to stab you with the kn1fe?"

"they tried to trow it at me, but missed."

"that's good." seek said and he rested his head on my shoulder.

[[hi I haven't updated for a few days cuz my motivation went to doors and apparently died and I thought it could outrun seek- (that was a metaphor for my motivation going away but I didn't think it would-) byeeeee
[[words: 1073]]

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