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 y/N POV: Should I call him and tell him that mom and dad are coming. What if he is busy with someone else. I think I should message him.

You messaged him---- "My parents are coming within an hour and they wants to meet both of us... only if you aren't busy"

He replied quickly.

Tae---"I am already on my way... I will be there soon"

You seen his message but didn't replied to it.

After 20 minutes Taehyung reached home with a big fruit basket.

Y/N: What is it for?

Tae: For your parents. 

Y/n: But they are leaving tomorrow so they won't be able to eat all of it.

Tae: I didn't knew it before.

Y/n: Just let it be. We can eat them.

Tae: Yeah, You can finish them all alone.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Tae: Don't take it in a wrong way. I just mean that you eat a lot of fruits which is a good thing.

You nodded and went to your room.

After some time your parents came. You all enjoyed the time and had dinner together and after that they left.

You were sitting on a couch watching k-drama but soon got disturbed by Taehyung.

Taehyung: Are you busy?

Y/n: Yes, I am. (With poker face)

He turned and started leaving from there.

Y/n: Why? Do you need something?

Taehyung: No, I just want to talk about something.

Y/n: about What?

Taehyung: About what happened in college today.

Y/n: What happened? (You know what  he is trying to talk about but still you don't want to act like you know all of that)

Taehyung: I know you saw that too. You were there too when Chris proposed me.

Y/n: Oh that. So what about that?

Taehyung: Aren't you angry or something?

Y/n: Why would I. 

Taehyung: You are my wife and you saw some other girl proposing me.

Y/n: Should I go and kill her then?

Taehyung: I think you should. That's what happens in dramas and all.

Y/n: I am already a burden to you and I don't want to do anything stupid that will cause more problem.

Taehyung pov: Why does she thinks so. I never thought of her as a burden. She is my wife and I married her with my will. I know its not a love marriage and situations were also different but still. 

You switch off the tv and stood up.

Y/n: It's your life after all. Bye, I am going to sleep. 

In your room----

Tears formed in your eyes because he didn't denied your words.

Y/n pov: I don't know why I said all that. But why didn't he denied to that? Am I really a burden to him? But he talked to me about that Chris thing. Is that because I saw that or he genuinely told me. 

Taehyung pov: I was walking pass by y/n's room and heard some sound. Is she crying? But why? I knocked the door.

Y/n pov: I heard a knock.

Y/n: What do you want now. (Tried to control your voice but it was clear that you were crying as your voice was cracked)

Taehyung: Are you ok? 

you didn't replied anything as you don't know how to answer this question.

Tae: I am coming in.

Y/n: No, you can't. (In cracked voice)

But he was already in your room.


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