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Two days passed and now finally you are going to college.

In these two days Tae took care of you and always was there by your side. And only these things are making you fall for him. Because you never had someone to be by your side and take care of you.

At college---

Suzy: How are you now?

Y/n: All good.

Maya: Of course she will be good as Taehyung was there to take care of her.

Suzy: Was he good with you?

Y/n: Yes, he was good.

Maya: So did something happened between you two?

Y/n: Like what?

Maya: Don't act innocent. We know you from childhood.

Suzy: I think she don't want to share all those personal things. That's ok.

Y/n: It's not like that. It's just...

Maya: Just...

Y/n: It's just nothing happened between us till now.

Suzy: What? Why?

Y/n: It's kind of arranged marriage and we weren't comfortable with each other before.

Maya: But you are now... right?

Y/n: I think so.

Suzy: You love him right?

You blushed hearing her words.

Maya: Don't be shy in front of us. We know you well.

Suzy: Finally she fell in love.

Maya: I am glad that you broke up with Max. You were in a toxic relation with him.

Suzy: I think he will come back to her when he will be back from abroad.

Maya: Yes, and will be shocked to know that she is already married now.

Y/n: Hey Stob it! Don't talk about past guys.

Maya: Ok, OK.

At recess----

Grace came towards you with Corell.

Grace: I know something is going on between you and oppa.

Y/n: Like what?

Grace: Are you two dating?

Y/n: I didn't know that your brain works too. What made you think that?

Corell: You both were absent from two days.

Y/n: I wasn't well and Don't know about him. Go and ask himself.

Grace held your wrist tightly. Due to the fever you had, you still gained your full strength till now.

Grace: I know something is going on between you two.

Y/n: Leave my hand or it won't be good.

Grace: Why, will you call Taehyung oppa for help.

Y/n: You think that we are dating and still you have guts to behave with me like this. Just think what will Taehyung think about and do to you when he will see you doing this to his girlfriend.

She quickly left your hand.

Grace: So you both are dating right?

Suzy: Don't be a child Grace.

Grace: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: Just think whatever you want. But don't come to me to talk about this again. If you really want to know then ask to your oppa.

Grace went from there all annoyed. Corell followed her.


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College heart-throb/Secret husbandWhere stories live. Discover now