Chapter 43 Torn Apart

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Chapter 43

Torn Apart

As they swayed to the rhythm of the music, Marin could sense that something was off. Link had slowed down, hesitated, and then suddenly stopped their melodic stride. "Is something the matter?" she asked, trying to understand what was wrong.

"I'm sorry, milady. I just... I can't do this. Please forgive me," Link's voice wavered as he spoke, his attention transfixed on the dais where Zelda and Lord Daneyrio were dancing. He watched as they moved in perfect sync, cheered on by the crowd. The spectators' annoying praises made his stomach churn.

Shouts of "Make way for her highness! The Princess blesses us all this night with her enchanted talents!" More howls of approval came, followed by whistles and claps. "She moves as fierce as a ray of golden summer sun yet light and graceful like a summer breeze!"

Others concurred. "Look how charming Lord Daneyrio glides the princess across the floor. How he holds her in his hard hands of stone! What a match made by the gods!" But it wasn't the hollers and shouts from the crowd only added to the burning sensation within him; it was when he saw her reaction that drove him to sorrow.

The look of desire in Zelda's eyes when she would gaze up at the lord from Draene after a spin back into his embrace. Glistening eyes he thought were meant only for him. The same eyes that had shone with affection just hours earlier when they shared their first kiss. Is he just seeing things? Did he imagine the attraction between them? The audience seemed to think so and Link couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed.

He had to get out of there. The noise and chaos of the party made it hard for him to think clearly. The crowd roared with adoring applause as Zelda and Lord Daneyrio struck their final pose, and Link couldn't bear to watch any longer and looked away. The showering ovations seemed to never end.

The knight couldn't stomach the spectacle anymore and carrying on his dance with Lady Marin would have been unfair to her as well.  This night was for her too. One that should be full of just as much wonder, magic, and fun as any decent girl deserved. Not an evening of misunderstanding and regret. No matter how much he tried to fix his composure and get back into the swing of things, he couldn't.

Unable to reciprocate the feelings she shared with him, he backed away gently. There they both stood still on the dance floor at odds. If she had a suspicion something was amiss before, now she knew.

Taking her hand, Link spoke softly amidst the whirl of music and people. "I thank you, milady, for teaching me to dance this evening," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. He cleared his throat and continued, rubbing her hand softly in his, not as a suitor but as a friend. "May you find another Ser tonight who can appreciate your sweet touch..." Every stroke he did more regretfully than the last while she chewed her lip in anticipation of what he might say next.

"For..." He said, voice wavering, breaking like a wave upon the shore. He gulped again. "For it is sweet and warm and I know any man here would be honored to have it...." Link tried to get the words out, even as her eyes shone with the reflection of his somber face. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but he couldn't concentrate. He couldn't stand to be there any minute longer than he had to. His heart fell to the pit of his stomach, and he had to get out of that place.

So, swallowing the sour taste of regret, he forced the words out as charmingly as he could. "...But, as for me, I am not ready for your touch, nor worthy of it. I apologize for my abruptness, but I must depart you now. May you find joy in the rest of your evening."

Letting loose her touch, his hand slipped away from hers as he turned and walked away. The crowd of dancers slowly closed in around him until he disappeared from her sight out the entrance of the tent. Lady Marin could hardly walk away or do anything. What just happened? She thought.

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