The Delivery + First Meeting With Pepperman + The Bonus

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Peppino: Just needs'a little more pepperoni slices and...perfection. *Holds up the pizza, which was cooked to perfection, with melted cheese, tomato slices, mushroom slices, pepperoni slices, and pepper slices as the toppings*

Y/n: that's what i call a perfect pizza.

Peppino: *Carefully and gently placing the pizza into a pizza box* Why thank'a you, Y/n. I do run the best pizzeria after all.

Y/n: Where's the person that ordered this pizza?

Peppino: Pepperman is the one that ordered this pizza. He lives in an art studio he built himself.

Y/n: Pepperman? Is he a superhero or something?

Peppino: No. He's a sentient bell pepper.

Y/n: Right...don't worry, boss... *Grabs the pizza from Peppino* ...i'll bring this pizza to him without a problem.

Peppino: Just call me Peppino, Y/n. I'm'a counting on you.

Y/n: You got it, Peppino. *Walks outside with the pizza box, as she places it on the back of the scooter, and ties it down with some rope*

Peppino: *Rushes outside his pizza business* There's'a one more thing i almost forgot to tell you, Y/n...

Y/n: What's that, Peppino? *Gets on the scooter, and places the helmet on her head*

Peppino: Pepperman is a hypocritically and narcissistic bell pepper.

Y/n: So...basically, he loves painting portraits of himself is what you mean?

Peppino: Yes...just, watch what you'a say around him. Give him the pizza, get the money owed, then return back here for the next delivery.

Y/n: On it, Peppino. I'll be back in a jiffy. *Starts the scooter, before speeding off down the road, and where the art studio is, where Pepperman resides*

Peppino: Guess it's time to make'a more pizza's... *Walks back into his pizza business* ...i should probably get Gustavo to help me...

*Meanwhile, with Y/n*

Y/n: *Driving the scooter through the streets, narrowly avoiding passing cars with ease* It should be around here somewhere...i thought i saw it on the way to work...this way maybe? *Turns left, and spots a familiar house* There it is. *Stops the scooter inbetween 2 cars, as she takes the helmet off, and looks up at the art studio* Nice place...kinda wish i lived in a place like that... *Places the helmet on the scooter, and unties the pizza box, before walking towards the art studio door, and rings the doorbell*

???: Oh! That must be the pizza i ordered! Coming, darling!*Opens the front door*

Y/n: I have a pizza here for someone named Pepperman.

Pepperman: Of course! That would be me! Who isn't more perfect than me, of course.~ *Flashes a grin, as he takes the pizza box from Y/n*

Y/n: *Sweatdrops profusely* Yeah...right...that'll be $24.99.

Pepperman: Here you go, darling! *Hands over $60*

Y/n: $60? Are you sure?

Pepperman: You've earnt it. It's a bonus from me.~

Y/n: Well, thank you anyways, Mr. Pepperman. I should probably get back to Peppino's pizza business. Thanks for the bonus. *Rushes back towards the scooter*

Pepperman: Anytime, darling! *Closes the front door behind him*

Y/n: *Gets back on the scooter, and places the helmet on* That was easy than i least i got a bonus from him. Maybe Peppino was wrong about him...anyways, another delivery done. Time for the next delivery. *Drives off back towards Peppino's pizza business*

*Meanwhile, inside Pepperman's art studio*

Pepperman: *Sauntering towards the kitchen, holding the pizza hox, as he places it on the kitchen counter* Wonderful! After a hard day's work of painting the perfect portrait of me, it's time to enjoy my perfect pizza- *Opens the pizza box, and looks down at his "perfect" pizza, only to see several pepper slices on his so called "perfect" pizza*

Pizza Tower: Pepperman x Female Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now