Cooking With Y/n And Pepperman + Fake Switch + A Secret In The Basement

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*Meanwhile, in the front entrance of Peppino's pizza business*

Y/n: *Looking at the camera, a cheese grater in one hand, and a regular slice of cheese in the other* What you need to do is, you gotta make sure to grate the cheese carefully onto your, you put the sliced sausages onto your pizza...*Places each sausage slice onto the pizza*, you add the peppe- *Does a double take at the peppers on the counter* Uh, Pepperman? Why haven't you sliced the peppers yet?

Pepperman: *Staring at the untouched peppers, a knife in his hand, then looks at Y/n with a traumatic look on his face*

Peppino: Is'a everything alright over there?

Y/n: *Turns to glance at Peppino, then back at Pepperman, before a lightbulb goes off above her head* Everything is going splendid, Peppi- chef, Peppino. *Grabs the knife from Pepperman, and mouths quietly* Close your eyes...

Pepperman: *Turns his back to Y/n, and covers his eyes*

Y/n: *Begins slicing up the peppers* Now, you add the peppers, all you need to do is put it in the oven. *Holds up the pizza, and pushes it into the oven*

Pepperman: *Shuts the oven door closed, and sighs in relief* Thank heavens that's over...

Peppino: While'a we wait for the pizza to cook, i'll go and fetch some more flour from the storage room. *Leaves the kitchen, past the basement door, and towards the storage room*

Todd: *Flips the switch to his camera off, stopping the live recording for now*

???: *Slowly opening the basement door, his eyes visible from in the darkness, as he watches Peppino walk around the corner, until a goopy arm reaches out to hold the basement door open* ...emiT azziP s'tI.

*Meanwhile, back near the front entrance*

The Noise: Jeez, where the h### is that fata-

Noisette: Theodore! Watch your mouth!

Y/n: He's only been gone for 10 seconds, Noise...i suggest you keep your mouth shut.

The Noise: Hey?? Who's running the show here?

Pepperman: What i wouldn't give to paint a masterpiece...instead i'm stuck here in this pizzeria, making pizza's with my enemy.

Y/n: Is that all you think about? Masterpiece this, masterpiece that. Can you think about anything else other than being an egotistical jerk?

Pepperman: It's my life, Y/n. I see someone or something...i must paint it or them.

Noisette: N-now, now, Y/n, promised you would mend your relationship...

Y/n: Yeah? Well, look at where's it's gotten us...

Pepperman: Well, maybe if you stopped being such a brat-

Y/n: *Holds up the knife towards Pepperman's neck* You f###### take that back-

Pepperman: *Reaching behind him, before holding a large wooden spoon up to Y/n's face* Make me, darling.

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