Y/n In Charge + Boredom Kicking In + A Game Of Poker

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*Meanwhile, inside Peppino's pizza business*

Peppino: *Stepping outside, 10 pizza boxes in his hands*

Y/n: *Running around the corner* Hey, Peppino! Here, let me help you with that. *Reaches to grab the pizza boxes from Peppino*

Peppino: It's'a fine, Y/n. I'a got this. *Notices a familiar red tomato in Y/n's arms* Uh...is...that, a toppin you have there, Y/n?

Tobias: *Looking at Peppino, occasionally letting out a quiet chirrup*

Y/n: You mean this little guy? Is that what he is? A toppin? I found him outside my home last night...

Peppino: *Takes a closer look at Tobias* He'a seems to be in good health...

Y/n: I covered him in water twice, so he's getting better slowly.

Peppino: That's'a good. *Tying rope around the pizza boxes on his scooter* Listen, Y/n...it's a little busy today...i need to deliver these pizza's.

Y/n: Why don't you let me deliver those pizza's?

Peppino: I have an easier task for you, Y/n. I would like'a you to be in charge of my pizza business...just until i get back.

Y/n: Wait, what about Gustavo and Brick?

Peppino: Gustavo and'a Brick are both busy delivering pizza's at the moment...so, you're gonna have'a to be at the counter to take order's, and make the pizza's...you do know how to make a pizza...right?

Y/n: My mom taught me how to make pizza long ago...i almost burnt it the first time...it did taste pretty good though.

Peppino: Then you'a wouldn't mind if you take my place while i'm gone? I won't be gone long.

Y/n: You got it, Peppino. Me and Tobias won't let you down.

Peppino: *Glances at Tobias, and chuckles* I'm'a counting on you, Y/n. *Gets on his scooter*

Y/n: You can count on us, Peppino.

Tobias: *Jumps up and down in Y/n's arms, before jumping to the ground*

Peppino: *Starts his scooter, as he glances back at Y/n, before driving off into the distance*

Y/n: Alright, Tobias. Let's get to work. *Enters Peppino's pizza business*

Tobias: *Rolls inside the pizza business excitedly*

Y/n: *Steps behind the counter, and takes a seat*

Tobias: *Rolls to a stop in front of Y/n, and meeps in protest*

Y/n: Oh, sorry, Tobias. Did you want to be on the counter? *Reaches down, and picks up Tobias, before setting him down on the counter* There.

Tobias: *Jumps up and down on the counter, until he spots a bell near him*

Y/n: *Turns to look at the front door, then looks down at the phone on the counter*

Tobias: *Jumps on the bell repeatedly, causing it to ring over and over*

Y/n: Stop that, Tobias. That bell is for letting us know when a customer wants to order a pizza.

Tobias: *Hops off of the bell, and looks at the front door to the pizza business, then at Y/n, before laying on his back*

*2 Hours later*

Y/n: *Watching the front door silently, her hand propped up onto her face* ......Well, this sucks.

Tobias: *Rolling around on the floor, exploring the inside of the pizza business, until he comes to a stop in front of what looks like a pillar with overalls*

???: *Walking inside the pizza business through the back door, holding a mop, and dragging a bucket full of water behind him, until he notices Tobias staring at him*

Tobias: *Meeps, then rolls back towards Y/n, and nudges her leg*

Y/n: Hm? Is something the matter, Tobias? *Sees ???* I'm guessing you're the janitor of Peppino's pizza business?

???: Indeed i am, miss. What seems to be your name?

Y/n: It's Y/n. This here is Tobias.

Tobias: *Meeps*

???: It's nice to meet you, miss Y/n. You can call me Gerome.

Y/n: You're such a gentleman.

Gerome: Why thank you, miss Y/n. *Dips the mop into the bucket full of water, and begins mopping up the floor*

Y/n: *Watching Gerome with a bored look on her face, occasionally looking over to see someone walk past Peppino's pizza business, a hopeful expression on her face, only to slam her face onto the counter in frustration at watching the supposed customer walk past Peppino's pizza business* Oh, come on...how hard is it to get a single customer in this place?

Gerome: *Noticing the potential customer walk past Peppino's pizza business, turns to watch Y/n, the gears moving in his head, before a light bulb appears above his head*

Tobias: *Nudging a defeated Y/n's head*

Y/n: At this rate...i'm going to die of boredom...huh? *Notices Gerome approaching* Can i help you, Gerome? Hey, what's that you have there?

Gerome: *Holding a pack of cards in his hand* I figured since that Peppino isn't going to be back until later, i guess it wouldn't hurt to play a few rounds of poker?

Y/n: ...I'll set up the chairs and table.

Pizza Tower: Pepperman x Female Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now