The Cooking Commercial + Making Amends + On Air

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*Meanwhile, inside Peppino's pizza business*

Y/n: I have to do what??

Noisette: Me, Peppino, Noisey, Gustavo, and Brick would like you to pull off a cooking commercial...with Pepperman.

Peppino: You've'a been at each other's throats for 4 days ever since the painting competition incident.

Y/n: *Holding Tobias in her arms* Oh, no! You hear me? N.o. I'm not pulling off a cooking commercial with that egotistical jacka##! *Turns to glance at Gerome* Thanks for taking care of Tobias by the way, Gerome.

Tobias: *Gnawing on Y/n's shirt hungrily*

Gerome: No problem, miss Y/n.

Noisette: Listen, Y/n, if you pull off this cooking commercial with Pepperman...not only could you mend your relationship with could save Peppino's pizza business.

The Noise: As much as i love to ruin Peppino's pizza business...for this event...i shall make an exception...this time.

Peppino: I expect'a you to not TOUCH anything, you little pest...

Y/n: *Pulls Tobias away from her shirt, and places him on the ground* ...Save my boss's pizza business, huh?

Tobias: *Rolls back into the kitchen, where Gerome is*

Noisette: So, is that a yes? Or a no?

Y/n: ...Alright. I'll do it. But, on one condition...

Peppino: What'a would that be?

Y/n: I don't have to wear that oversized shirt that has "OUR GETTING ALONG SHIRT" on the front of it.

Noisette: *Sighs* Deal...but, i at least want you to try it on for a few seconds when Pepperman gets here.

Y/n: Oh, geez, i really have to wear it?

The Noise: Of course you do. It'll be hilarious. Oh, here comes the "egotistical jacka##" now.

Pepperman: *Slams the front door open, an art easel in one arm* Greetings, chef Peppino! I believe i was promised to paint a beautiful masterpiece of yours truly he- *Spots Y/n next to him from the corner of his eye* ...Oh, h### no, i'm out of here-

Gustavo: *Blocks Pepperman's way* W-wait a moment, Pepperman. Brick and i both brought you here to settle your differences with Y/n.

Brick: *Nods his head with a confirmed squeak*

Pepperman: Settle my differences with her?? She's been nothing but a pain in my rear!

Y/n: Look, much as i hate your guts...i am willing to pull off not only to save Peppino's pizza business...but... *Groans in annoyance* ...but, to mend our relationship...

Pepperman: So...Gustavo WAS telling the truth. *Wraps an arm around Y/n* Say,  chef Peppino? If i happen to pull off this commercial with Y/n...may i paint my masterpiece here in your pizza business?

Peppino: Hmmm...i'll'a think about it.

Noisette: Now that you're both here, you can both try on this new shirt i made specifically for the both of you! Here! *Yanks the oversized shirt onto Y/n and Pepperman's heads* Okay, do you both feel? Does the shirt fit? Is it comfy enough?

Pepperman: *Thumbs up* This feels fantastic, Noisette! This perfect shirt fits us both like a masterpiece!

Y/n: *Struggling to move from the collar of the oversized shirt, who is stuck on Pepperman* I feel suffocated with this thing on... *Pushing Pepperman away from her*

Pepperman: Watch the face, darling. I bruise easily.

Y/n: *Growls under her breath* Your face will be bruised easily if you keep that up, you-

Peppino: *Clears his throat, an eyebrow raised*

Y/n: I mean, what i meant to say was, let's get this cooking commercial on air.

Noisette: That's the spirit, Y/n! *Pulls the oversized shirt off of Y/n and Pepperman*

The Noise: Is the camera rolling, Todd?

Todd: Ready to roll since we arrived, boss. Ready when you folks are.

Gustavo: *Rushes inside Peppino's pizza business* Knock'a them dead, Y/n. Make us proud.

Brick: *Thumbs up, as he takes a seat next to Gustavo, behind the camera*

Y/n: *Grabs a nearby apron* Thanks, guys...i need a little help with-

Pepperman: *Scoffs, as he pulls Y/n's apron towards him, and starts to tie the strings on the back of the apron into a perfect knot* I'm not doing this for our relationship, darling. I'm doing this for my masterpiece.

Y/n: Hey, take it easy there, pal...listen, i don't know if you've noticed...but, if the commercial is a failure...i get fired...and you don't get your masterpiece.

Todd: We are live in 5, 4,...

Pepperman: *Rushing to put his apron on, as he steps behind the counter*

Y/n: *Nudges past Pepperman, and stops behind the counter next to him*

Gerome: *Steps behind the camera, watching Y/n and Pepperman in interest*

Tobias: *In Gerome's arms, eating half a ham sandwich*

Todd: 3, 2, 1...

Noisette: *Steps next to Brick, and holds a thumbs up to Y/n and Pepperman, whispering* You can do it, Y/n, Pepperman.

Peppino: *Hops over the counter, and stops in front of the camera nervously*

The Noise: You're on the air!

*Meanwhile, deep inside Peppino's basement, where the pizza toppings are kept to make the pizza's*

???: *Hidden in the corner in the dark room, his eyes blinking in the darkness, until his head snaps to look up at the stairs leading towards the basement door* ...onippep-P?

Pizza Tower: Pepperman x Female Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now