Tobias's Wake Up Call + A Tense Morning Greeting + Y/n And Tobias Strikes

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*Meanwhile, in Y/n's house*

Y/n: *Snoring quietly in her bed peacefully*

Tobias: *Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, watching the time tick to 9:00AM, before he rolls under the duvet covers to nudge Y/n's cheek to wake her up*

Y/n: ...5 More minutes...

Tobias: *Meeps in Y/n's ear, then nudges her cheek again*

Y/n: *Opens her eyes slowly, then pokes her tired face out from underneath the duvet covers* ...Good morning, Tobias. *Yawns tiredly* Did you sleep well, buddy?

Tobias: *Meeps in affirmation*

Y/n: That's good. *Gets out from her bed* What time is it? *Her eyes widen* It's 9:00AM?? I'm going to be late again! *Rushes to grab her clothes to change, before rushing into the bathroom, closing the bathroom door shut behind her*

Tobias: *Hops off of Y/n's bed, and rolls towards the bedroom door, as he looks up at the door handle, and looks down at himself, before letting out a sad meep*

Y/n: *Currently washing her face in the sink, after changing into a new set of clothes, as she checks herself in the small mirror above the sink, before walking out of the bathroom* Are you ready to head out, Tobias?

Tobias: *Meeps, as he rolls over towards her*

Y/n: *Gently picks up Tobias, as she puts her shoes on, before walking downstairs* Hold on, do you need some water before we leave?

Tobias: *Nods his head*

Y/n: *Walks into the kitchen, turns the cold tap in the sink on, before placing Tobias underneath the running water*

Tobias: *Rolls around in the water*

Y/n: know what i just noticed? The wrinkles on your body are slowly disappearing. You're getting better slowly.

Tobias: *Looks at where the wrinkles on his tiny body are, and meeps happily*

Y/n: *Turns the cold tap off* Now that you've been watered, shall we head off to work?

Tobias: *Let's out a happy meep*

Y/n: Then let's get a move on before Peppino chews me out for being late again. *Picks Tobias up, pulls out her key, before unlocking and opening the front door*

Tobias: *Jumps down from Y/n's arms, before rolling outside*

Y/n: *Walks outside, before closing and locking the front door behind her* Don't roll off too far, Tobias.

Tobias: *Meeps, as he rolls around the yard, close to Y/n*

Pepperman: Well, if it isn't my "favourite" neighbour! Had a decent good night's sleep last night, darling?

Y/n: If it isn't the world's most narcissistic bell pepper...and yes. I did sleep well last night...surprisingly.

Pepperman: Well, if you must know, i'm about to head out to town to perfect my art skills a little more.

Y/n: Why? Because you're afraid of losing to me again?

Pepperman: That's because you ch-

Y/n: *Grabs ahold of Pepperman by his stem* Nobody cheated, dumba##. Now get that through your thick skull.

Tobias: *Rolls to a stop in front of Pepperman, as he looks up at him*

Pepperman: *Pushes Y/n away, then looks down, and sees Tobias* It's a little masterpiece! *Reaches to pick up Tobias*

Tobias: *Takes a step back, and let's out a tiny meep*

Y/n: I wouldn't do that if i were you...

Pepperman: I'm only going to hold him, darling. What's the worst he could do-

Tobias: *Suddenly sinks his sharp, tiny fangs into Pepperman's hand*

Pepperman: *Shrieks in pain, as he waves his hand around* Get him off my hand!!

Tobias: *Sinks his sharp, tiny fangs deeper into Pepperman's hand*

Y/n: *Bursts out laughing in amusement* Why would i do that?

Pepperman: *Grabs Tobias by his feet, pulls him off of his hand, before tossing him towards Y/n*

Y/n: *Catches Tobias in her arms* Gotcha, Tobias. You okay?

Tobias: *Glaring at Pepperman, a piece of his glove in his mouth, then looks up at Y/n, and meeps*

Pepperman: *Holding his hand in slight pain* You need to get control over your toppin!

Y/n: You were the one that tried to pick him up in the first place! I did warn you! *Places Tobias back on the ground*

Tobias: *Spits out the piece of Pepperman's glove, before he rolls out of the yard*

Pepperman: Then get some control over the little pest-

Y/n: *Shoves Pepperman to the ground* I'll tolerate you name calling me...but i won't tolerate you doing the same to Tobias.

Pepperman: Oh? Pray tell... *Leaps to his feet, and leans closer towards Y/n* ...what are you going to do about it if i don't, darling?~

Y/n: *Close to socking Pepperman in the jaw, until she notices the time on his watch* 9:15AM?? Listen, Pepperman, it was nice arguing with you, but i have to go. Tobias? Come on, we're leaving. *Walks away from Pepperman*

Pepperman: Toodles, darling! Missing you already! Good riddance.

Tobias: *Rolling towards Y/n, a gray piece of rubber like material in his mouth*

Y/n: *Picks up Tobias* What the...what's that you have in your mouth?

Tobias: *Spits out the gray piece of rubber like material in Y/n's hand*

Y/n: Where did you get this, Tobias?

Tobias: *Meeps quietly in confusion*

Pepperman: Come on...why won't this car start? *Trying to start his small, red car* I've only just gotten this car fixed up yesterday. What could possibly be wrong with it? *Gets out from his car, and checks his car over* WHO SLASHED A HOLE IN ONE OF MY CAR TIRES??

Y/n: *Looks up at Pepperman, then at Tobias, back at Pepperman, then back at Tobias, as she pieces together the situation, before she grabs the gray piece of rubber like material from Tobias, and drops it behind a dumpster nearby while Pepperman has his back turned to her*

Tobias: *Watching Pepperman with a slight glare*

Y/n: *Speed walks away from a fuming Pepperman with Tobias, then pats Tobias's head* Good boy.

Tobias: *Meeps happily, as he nuzzles her hand*

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