The 5 Courses + Point Rally + At Each Other's Throats

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*Meanwhile, in the golf course, on the fry course*

Pepperman: *Delicately places his golf ball on the ground* Watch and learn how a real golfer strikes a primo burg!

Y/n: I'll believe it when i see it...

Noisette: This is so exciting! I wish Vi- Noisy was here to watch this with me!

Tobias: *Rolling closer towards Pepperman quietly*

Pepperman: *Puts a finger on his lips* Shush! I need complete silence and concentration. *Closes his eyes, and rears his golf club back*

Tobias: *Accidentally let's out a sneeze behind Pepperman*

Pepperman: *Swings his golf club with a startled yelp, as he watches his golf ball fly off, and hit the edge of the basket, slowly rolling to a stop a few metres away from it, a shocked look on his face, before he turns to glare down Tobias with an angry expression* Why you little-

Y/n: *Stifling her laughter* Wow, you really struck the primo burg, "mister big shot"...

Noisette: At least you gave it your best shot.

Pepperman: *Reaches to grab Tobias*

Tobias: *Turns tail and dashes back to hide behind Y/n*

Y/n: *Pats Tobias's head* Hey?? Lay off of him, Pepperman! He's just a baby!

Pepperman: Your " baby" made me lose my concentration, and ruined my primo burg record!

Y/n: He doesn't know what he's doing wrong! He doesn't know any better!

Pepperman: *In Y/n's face* Well, keep him under control! *Storms off towards his golf ball angrily*

Noisette: *Puts a hand on Y/n's shoulder* Are you okay, Y/n?

Y/n: *Watching Pepperman storming close to the basket* I'm about to be...

Greaseball: *Moves in front of Y/n*

Y/n: *Holds Noisette's golf club tightly, as she locks on her target, rears the golf club back, and strikes the Greaseball*

Greaseball: *Gets sent flying, as it flies through the air, and bounces off of Pepperman's head, before landing inside the basket* Primo burg!

Pepperman: *Turns to stare at Y/n in shock* Wha- How did you-

Noisette: You did it, Y/n! You got your first primo burg, and it was on the first course!

Y/n: I did? Did you hear that, Tobias? We're a step closer to beating Pepperman at his own game!

Tobias: *Jumping up and down in excitement*

Pepperman: *Hits his golf ball inside the basket*

Greaseball: *Towards Pepperman* Hot dog!

Pepperman: *Growls in anger* You still haven't won the wager yet, Y/n! There are still 4 more courses to clear!

Y/n: Oh, good! Maybe then i can rub it in your face when i win!

Pepperman: *Almost snaps his golf club in furious anger* We shall see, Y/n.

*Meanwhile, on the nacho course*

Noisette: This is the second course, you two! So, do your best!

Pizza Tower: Pepperman x Female Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now