War Of The Neighbour's + From Pranks To Fight's + A Relaxing Picnic

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*Meanwhile, in the middle of the new pig city central park*

Y/n: *Peeks her head out from behind a tree, and spots Pepperman standing in front of a hot dog vendor* Gotcha...now, to enact my plan... *Holds up 2 bottles, one red, and the other yellow, before she sneaks out from behind the tree she's hidden behind, and towards the table next to the caravan*

Pepperman: Good evening, sir. I would like a non-fat, gluten free hot dog, please?

Hot Dog Vendor: So...a vegan hot dog?

Pepperman: That's what i said, yes.

Hot Dog Vendor: It'll take a minute...

Y/n: *Hides behind the table, as she pokes her head out from behind it*

Hot Dog Vendor: *Places the vegan hot dog in front of Pepperman* Here's your vegan hot dog, sir. That'll be $2.49, please?

Pepperman: *Hands $5 to the hot dog vendor* Keep the change my good man.

Hot Dog Vendor: Gee, thanks, mister.

Y/n: *Reaches both arms to grab the ketchup and mustard bottles, and pull them behind the table, before placing similar bottles on the table, chuckling quietly*

Pepperman: *Walking towards the table* This would go nice with my non-fat, gluten free, vegan hot dog. *Picks up the red bottle, squirts some of the contents onto his vegan hot dog, and does the same with the yellow bottle, before he takes a big bite out of it, only to freeze, and immediately spit it out, while having a coughing fit, dropping his half eaten vegan hot dog on the ground*

Y/n: *Saunters out from behind the table, a massive grin on her face* Well, if it isn't Pepperman. So, how did it taste?

Pepperman: *Spitting out the remains of the contents from the red and yellow bottles, only for his eyes to widen, as he gets up and stares down at Y/n* You did this? *Points to his half eaten vegan hot dog on the ground*

Y/n: I did. Hope you enjoyed eating paint on your meal. That's for tricking me into eating Noisette's food. *Leans her face close to Pepperman, and whispers* Don't you ever cross me again.

Pepperman: *Staring down at Y/n oddly calm, his arms crossed* I just have one thing to say...

Y/n: Oh? What's tha-

Pepperman: *Suddenly stomps on Y/n's foot*


Pepperman: *Grabs ahold of Y/n by her neck, shoves the red bottle in her mouth, and squeezes the contents of the bottle into her mouth*

Y/n: *Choking on the red paint, trying to spit it out, as she claws Pepperman's arms, before she knees him in the stomach*

Pepperman: *Drops Y/n with a gasp, and stumbles back, holding his stomach*

Y/n: *Hacking up the contents of the red paint*

Pepperman: *Tosses the empty bottle in the trashcan behind him* I think this makes us even, darling.

Pizza Tower: Pepperman x Female Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now