Meeting The Neighbour + Keeping It Down + This Means War

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Y/n: *Sleeping peacefully in her bedroom, until her eyes slowly open to hear loud music playing nearby* Who the f### is playing music at this time? *Gets out of her bed, and starts getting dressed* Looks like it's still dark out there...i still have a few hours left until the sun appears... *Storms downstairs, grabs her key, and opens the front door, before storming outside* Why do i feel like i've seen that house before? No matter... *Walks towards the house next to hers* ...i'm going to give them a piece of my mind. *Rings the doorbell*

Pepperman: *Opens the front door of his house, his signature grin on his face* Greetings, stranger! What may i help you with- *Sees Y/n standing in his doorway*

Y/n: You again?? You're my neighbour??

Pepperman: *Grins wider* Well, well, well...look who comes crawling back.

Y/n: I don't f###### believe this...this has to be a nightmare... *Pinches her arm* Ow! Nope...i'm definitely not dreaming...

Pepperman: What brings you here, my most esteemed rival?

Y/n: I came here to ask you to turn your music off. You've already woke me up, at this rate, you're going to wake up the other neighbours here.

Pepperman: I would love to...but, i can't. I'm in the middle of creating my next masterpiece.

Y/n: Nobody cares about your "masterpiece" turn it off.

Pepperman: Oh, and pray tell... *Leans his face towards Y/n* ...what you're going to do about it if i don't?~

Y/n: Does my warning back at Peppino's pizza business refresh your memory?

Pepperman: *Completely silent, before he shuts the front door in Y/n's face*

Y/n: *Hears Pepperman's music stop after a few seconds* Thank you... *Walks back towards her house* i can go back to sleep. *Closes and locks the front door behind her, walks upstairs, and into her bedroom, before laying back in her bed* last... *Closes her eyes slowly* ...peace...and quiet.

*10 Minutes later*

Y/n: *Her eyes snap open to hear loud music playing in Pepperman's house, again*

*Meanwhile, inside Pepperman's house*

Pepperman: *Focusing on painting his latest masterpiece, while loud music plays in the background* It just needs a touch of green- *Turns around to hear someone banging on the front door* I wonder who that could be.~ *Opens the front door, to see a fuming Y/n glaring at him* Yes?~

Y/n: I thought i said to keep the music off?? Does my warning back at Peppino's pizza business not phase you anymore??

Pepperman: Not in the slightest, darling.~

Y/n: I'm trying to sleep so I can be in time for work, dumba##!

Pepperman: Well, you should've gotten headphones.~

Y/n: I'm giving you one last warning, jacka##. You either turn the music off, or i'll do something about it.

Pepperman: *Takes a step towards Y/n* Or what, darling?~

Y/n: *Grabs Pepperman by his stem roughly, and pulls his face closer to hers*

Pepperman: Ouch! H-hey?? Okay, okay, i'll turn it off!

Y/n: Good. *Let's go of Pepperman's stem* You'd better.

Pepperman: *Slams the front door shut*

Y/n: *Walks back into her house, closing and locking the front door for the second time* I really hope he keeps the music off- *Stops, to hear Pepperman's music turned up, only more higher, a dark look slowly appearing on her face*

Pepperman: Just a little more red, and...perfect. My masterpiece is finally complete! *Looks at the masterpiece at a different angle, then turns to hear someone banging on the front door for the 3rd time*

Y/n: Open this door right now, a##hole!

Pepperman: *Turns his music down slightly, before he opens his bedroom window* Back again i see?~

Y/n: Get out here right now!

Pepperman: No can do, darling. I have masterpieces to paint!

Y/n: What's the matter? Too much of a b#### to face me again?~

Pepperman: *His grin disappears, before returning with a sinister aura* I wouldn't go there, darling...

Y/n: I would, darling.~

Pepperman: *Snarls in anger*  ...Now, you've gone and done it, darling. *Turns his music off, before he shuts his bedroom window*

Y/n: You can't hide in your house forever!

Pepperman: Try me, darling.~ *Closes his bedroom curtains*

Y/n: *Gritting her teeth in fury, as she storms back into her house, closing and locking the front door behind her* Alright, want a've got one.

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