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i  can't discribe it..
I can't discribe it.. how much..
How much i love you..

No no no no! Coralíne that's bullshit ughhh why did i wanted to go the park agai-ohhh my... is that? Is that ? Omg no...!! That's thomas freaking raggi!..okayy let's just go back to my writing..

I can't explain it..

I can't explain..

I just can't explain..

How much i love you..

How much i love you thomas raggi..


'Noo!!.. now my whole paper is coverd with ink!! Ughh!!!'

'Wha-i am sorry??'

'No..no..no!!.. goshh i am so stupidd..'

'What??? I am sorry i am confused now'

'Oh shit.. sorry! I didn't see you..uhmm..'

'Hi? Are you okay??'

'Yeah yeah... i just.. never mind.. uhm you are thomas raggi right?'

'Yea i am..'

The blondie says while he sits next to me on the grass

'what were you doing??'

'i was writing a uhm poem..'

'Ohh i love poems can i read one???'

'Uhmm.. i guess..'

I can't explain it...

I can't explain...

I just can't explain...

How much i love you..

How much i love you thomas raggi..

'This is.. is this?...'

'About you yes.. ehhh...'

'Wow... it's beautiful..'

'Uhm thanks..

'What's your name??'


'Beautiful name bella'

The blondie says while he smiles at me..




The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now