
42 1 0

How could you..
How could you do this to..


Sometimes i wonder...
Sometimes i wonder why people...
Sometimes i wonder why people stop loving..

Everyone else..


Darling.. i am still in love..

Darling i am still in love with you...

Darling i am still so in love with you..


why.. did you..

Why did you leave...

Was it because of me..

I guess we'll never know..


'Thomas why are you here?!'

'Because i uhm wanna talk to you...'

'But i don't wanna talk to you..'

'amore.. i miss you..'

'Thomas i don't miss you...'

'Stop it..'

'Stop what???'

'Stop acting like you don't miss me...cause i can see that you are...



And he was about to walk away but then i tought should i stop him ? Should i say i love you??

I don't know..

'Thomas don't walk away..'


'Because... i love you... stupido'

'Don't play with me.. your lying'

'No i am not thomas no i am not! I mean how many times do i have to explain it to you????'

'You don't need to chica..'


'You don't need to explain..'

'Bellaaa are you coming? I just made you some lunch'

Oh gosh damiano..

'Bro what the hell are you doing here?'

'Uhm i am helping mu girlfriend why??'

'Girlfr- okay i am done here...'

'Thomas no! Wait i ca-'

'Fck you!!'

Okay so i didn't know that this was gonna happen but nice work cora very nice work

'Did you really had to do that?!'

'Do what???'

'Just saying that shit to thomas?!'

'What shit???? Bella  we're together right???'



'Well i..'

'Oh come on now..are together or not?'

'I thi-i mean ye-yes...'

'Your having second toughts..'

'What? No dami i love you..'

'You sure bella??'

'Yes i am sure hey don't worry okay? Kiss'


'Ehehe ofcourse.. come on now..'

'Still a no!'

'Are you serious?!'


'I hate you.. tomato'

'What?!! Did you just call me?!'

'Ahahaha since your hair is red now ahahaha'

'Oh come onn!!'




The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now