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*one day later*

I wish...
I wish.. everything..
Was fine..
I wish everything was fine..
Fine with me..
My life..
Just.. Fine..


'humm.. thomas do-ohh f-fck..'


The blondie boy whispers in my ear while i am sitting at my desk..

'Stop kissing  my neck.. i am writing..'

'yes i know your writing.. but i have something else in mind..'

'Thomas.. i said stop..'

'you said what?? I didn't hear it..'

'I said sto-ohh... goshh... thomas your crazy..'

'Ehehe i am i?..'

*a few minutes later*

oh my god.. he's so freaking hot when hrny... and don't get me started on his lips their so soft.. and just so soft... is that really the only word i can think of now??...... yeah i guess so..

'fck amore.. don't do that please..'

'Do what??'

'You know what bella..'


Says the girl who's always shy... i don't know why but when it comes to boys or s*x it's just that i am alwaysss shy most of the time or acting very very akward.... But i guess that's me...

'Bellaa.. i want... '

'You want what??..'

'you know..'

The blondie boy says with the biggest freaking smirk on his face while he takes off my top

'Did i ask you to take ot off???..'


Andd he smirks again goshh he's smoking hot when he does that...

'Bella.. please.. ff-fck m-just take it off please..'

'Take of what thomas?'

'My pants.. it's klling me..'

'Ohhh.. so you want me to take it off??.'



Hehehe this is so funn..  just teasing eacohter and making him crazy it's so idk hot?..

Anyways back to you know..

'shit that feels good...'

'What?? That i just took off your pants?'


Jesusss.. he's sooo smoking hot everytime he smirks..

Uhhh.. i think i said this two times now oopsss...

'Now what??'

'Can you please do that thing you did last time?..'



Ohh i love it when he begs for it ehehe

*you know what happens next*



{i hope it isn't to dirty}

And if it is i am sorry😅😅🙈



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now