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It's everything...
It's everything about...
It's everything about you...
That makes me..
how.. i fell in love..



When i...

When i look...

When i look into...

Wheb i look into your..

When i look int your eyes..

When i look into your eyes.. i see

A velvet blue sky.


It's been...

It's been a...

It's been a day..

It's been a day since...

I saw you..

And now i wonder...

Where are you?...



Everytime.. i

Everytime i cry..

Everytime i cry..

Everytime i cry and i wanna say good bye...

And i think about;




'Oh hi thomas..'

It's been a while since i met thomas and now..

We're kind of together? I don't know why.. tough i mean why would he go for a girl like me? Ughhh! Just sometimes i wonder why.. he did go for me..

I mean me coralína..

A girl with a 'simple' mind who just loves to write..

Sometimes i wonder why did he go;

For a girl like me

'Can i read some of your poems??'

'Uh yeah sure thomas why not..'


*after some minutes*

'Wow.. bella this is beautiful!'

'You think??'

'What? Do you mean you think? Your writing is amazing!'


'Si bellaa..'

Omg!! He called me bella again!!...

'uhhm thanks..'

'Ah your blushing'

'No i am not blushing thomas...'

'Yes you are.. it's uhm kind of cute...'


'What?? It's true i can't help it your so uhm hot?'

'What???did you just say?!..'

'Uhhh.... Nothing why???'

'You think i am hot???'


Our faces are very close right now.. i can hear his breath.. and heartbeat rasing.. and within seconds we start kissing... his hands are all over my body now.. i can feel it.... Every single touch of his hands..

And since we're in his room...


The blondie says with his low voice while he stops kissing me..


'Can i??'

'Go on??.. thomas.. i- yes..'

And he contiues touching every inch of my body while we're kissing with passion it feels like heaven..


Enjoy!! 😉🩷

The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now