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{coralínes pov}

'Ahaha dami that's not truee!'

'It is true!! You are always shy'

'No i am not!'

'Yes you are now ahahaha'


'What??? Uhm your blushing'

'No i am n-whateveeer..'

'Ahaha sooo..?'

'Uhhh dami you can stop looking at me...'

'Why ? Your beautiful.. i can't belive thom broke up with u because your pregant..'

'Dami he didn't he just didn't wanted to be a dad that's all..'




Your eyes..

Your smile..

Your little laugh..

Your beautiful voice..

I could listen to it all day..

All day..



I miss you..

I miss your smile..

I miss your little laugh..

I miss it when i look into your eyes..

I miss..


I miss



No one else could..

When no one else could fix me..

When no one else could..

You where there...





Oh my goshh.. he's trying to kiss me... okay don't let this happen.. don't .. cora .. do-too late..


'Uhh.. yeah wow..'

Ughh that was the shortest kiss but also the most idk best kiss??.. i've ever had??..idk..

'cora.. i like you..'

'Damiano.. please.. stop i just broke up with one of your best friends..'

'but i tought you wrote...'

'You have been reading my poems?! What?!!! The fck!!!?!!'

'i mean i .... I was just...'

'Are you serious?! How many did you read?!!'

'Most of them ?? I don't know..'

'What?!!! Those are private!!'

'I am sorry....'


The taste of your lips...

When we kissed..

I still taste you...

On the tip of my tounge..

That kiss..





They say in life sometimes you have to make choices..

Some are harder than the other ones..

But is it easy??

Is it not???

And what will happen after we made them..

Will everything fall apart??..

Or not?..


You make me feel so..


You make me feel so


You Make me feel so



'Ughh whatever.. let's just clean the table..'

'I said i am sorry cora..'

'I know.. i know.. i am sorry.. maybe i overreacted a little..'

'A little??'

'Okayyy... ughh stupid hormons..'

'It will all be fine.. okay? I mean i can help you with uhm things..'

'Uhhh well maybe...'

'Is that a yes???'

'I think so...'




The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now