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Just someone tell me...
Why do i keep overthinking everything..
why do i keep everything to myself ?
Why do i keep thinking that when i do talk..
Everyone's gonna jugde me and all that..

Just tell me why?


When i look...
When i look at..
When i look at you..
I see stars i see the moon
When  i look at you...
I see everything you do..
For me..
When i look at you...

I see you.. and me

Together forever


Time... will it ever be right?
Time will it be right???
Time when will it be right???
Cause when it is...

I am never going to goodbye to you..

cause what i am going to say is...

I do ..


I'll take this time...

Take this time...

For you...

For me and you...


For your eyes...
For you eyes...
Only for your eyes..

I'll show you...

My heart

For when your sad..

For whenever...

Cause i love you...


Wow this is so beautifull..

Her writing is amazing..

There is no doubt about that


'Ohh uh sorry.. i read some of your poems is that okay?'

'Thomas it's fine.. what's mine is yours..'

'you sure ?'

'Ofcourse i am sure...'



When i am...
When i am alone..
When i am alone..i always wonder...
When i am alone i always wonder..

Where you are...



It's not just a city..

It's just some city...

It's your home..

It's my home...

It's our home..


I'll ...

I'll make you feel...

I'll make you feel like...




Once your found your passion..

No on can...

Stop you...

Ever again...

Cause it's you and your passion...



Why do i feel..

Why do i feel so..

Why do i feel so lonely??..

Why i do i feel so lonely...

When you are my one and only...



{all the poems are writen by me} {don't copy}


The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now