7.{'it feels like heaven'}

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And he contiues touching every inch of my body while we're kissing with passion it feels like heaven.




We just fell on his bed and now he just took my shirt off.. i feel so weird cause i don't think he's going to love what he's seeing..

'You are so beautiful..'

The blondie says and now he just took of my bra..
Oh god.. this is not what i tought it was going to be..

'Bella look at me..'

Why do i always do this.. looking away when someone looks at me..


My body...

'You are so beautiful... coralína.. don't be shy'

'Thomas... don't say..that i know you're lying..'

'Why would i lie???... just tell..me..'

'Wanna know why??..'


'Because no one ever looked at me like you did just now thomas..'



'Okay shh now..'

And he lays his finger on my lips..


'I said shh amore.. your gonna love this..'

The blondie boy says with a big smirk on his fave while his finger tips are a very close to the button of my jeans..

'Close your eyes bella..'

His voice is so low when he's hrny..omgshh...so sexy...

'what thoma-'

'Close your eyes and enjoy this moment..bella'

'Uhhh... okay.....'

And while i am closing my eyes i can feel my jeans leaving my tighs..  and also my painties...  if feels cold but also good... i think i don't know what to think right now actually hihi oopssies...

'Thomas ca-ohh my god...'

I can feel his tounge thouhing my private part.. i always call it my private part i don't know why ...ughh coralíne just try to stop  thinking so much...

'Tho-thomas oh my gosh.. your so good at this.. jesus..'

I say while i opended up my eyes and i see him smirking at me..

'Gosh.. thom.. y-ohh m....... '

And then some of the best feeling hited me..

'You enjoyed it??..'

The blondie says while he stops doing with what he was doing

'yes....  Did ..'

'It's your turn now..'


'It's your turn now bella..'



Two chapters ehehe hope you like them !



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now