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She couldn't do anything wrong..
Cause she was always the perfect one
And i wasn't the perfect one
She couldn't say anything wrong
Cause she was always the perfect one
And i wasn't the perfect one


Do you hear me?

Can you see me?

Can you listen to me?


You can't..


you always put me a side..

you always put me  a side because of her..

The perfect one..

Not the no one like me..


The little girl who always tought she wasn't good enough..

The little girl who always thought she wasn't worthy..

The little girl who always tought she wasn't good enough..

The little girl who you always yelled at when she did something wrong..

you always told her she couldn't do it..

You always told her she couldn't do shit..

Well she can do it .

But you wouldn't believe it


'amore??.. are you ready to go??'

'Yeah just a minute i am almost done'

'love you sound sad are you okay??'

'Yeah why wouldn't i be?'

'Cause it sounds like you cried my love..'

'Well maybe i did but i am fine amore..'

'You are?'

'Yes i am.. shall we go??'

'Yeah sure amore..'

And as we both walked down stairs i heard vic coming towards us she was baby sitting sophia tonight so me and dami can go out

'Are you guys ready to go?'

'Yes we are vic'

'Cora are you okay?? Did you cry??'

'Yeah i am fine vic'

'Okay good cause yo-'


'Nothing i can say anything but uhm thom called'

'What did he???'

'Yes he said that he needs to talk to you..'

'Well okay.. i'll call him tomorrow..'

'What? Amore..'

'Dami it's fine me and thom are still friends  remember?'

'I know that but..'

'But what???'

'Your mine..'

'Dami are you jealous???'


'Eheh you are dam'

'Haha haha vic very funny..'


*later that night* *their at a restaurant in rome*

'love i am going outside.. for a sec'


'Uhm to smoke a sig why?'

'Damiano how many times have i told you to quit smoking??'

'uhmm to many times??..'

'Damii.please for me?'

'Love you know it's hard right?'

'I know but can you maybe try?'

'I'll think about okay?..'

'No you won't but whatever..'

'Amore can we talk outside??'

'Wha-yeah sure..'


*their outside the restaurant*

'now what?'

'Amore why are you so grumpy tonight??'

'No i am not..'

'Yes you are what's wrong???'

'Nothings wromg dami...'

'Amore i love you so much.. you can tell me things..'

'i know i know... sorry..'

'then what's wrong??'

'It's just weird to be friends with thom i mean we have been together for some time it's just weird.. and sometimes i still get mad about what he did..'

'Well okay.. but are you still in love with him?'

'What? No!'

'Amore be honest.. with me now..'

'I am honest with you! Dami i am crazy about you.. i never ever felt like this before not even with thom..'


'Yes.. i am so in love with you dami.. i can't discribe how much i love you..'

'Amore... that's the sweetest thing someone ever said to me... listen there is something that i uhm wanted to ask you..... uhm cora you have been so good to me and i really really wanna be with you for the rest of my life.....'

'O-omg damiano...'

'Will you marry me amore?...'




The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now