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I can't stop...
I can't stop thinkjng about...
I can't stop thinking about you..


Last night...

I wanna do it all again...

i wanna feel your lips against my lips..

I wanna feel your hands.. touching me..

I wanna feel your body against mine..

I wanan feel..

Feel you...



What do i want...?

What do you want...?

Do you even love me at all...?

Do you wanna kiss me like i wanna kiss you...?

Do you...



With me... at all??...



I never tought i would love...

I never tought i would love you..


'Bellaa..?? Can we talk??'

'I am busy..'

'Bellaa.. i wanna talk.. about last night..'

'What about it??..'

'What about it??... bella.. come on..'

'What?? Come on??? Damiano please just leave me alone..'

'Amore.. please.. don't be like this i..'


'...do you wanna be my girlfriend??..'

'What??? Damiano.. we can't i mean what about gio??..'

'Well.. we're just friends.. so '

'What?? Don't play with me damiano.. you guys are together..'

'No.. we're not.. uhm not anymore..'

'What?????how could you?!'

'Bella you  did the same thing..'

'No! I didn't!! And you know that!'

'Sorry... i am gonna go okay..just go back to writing your poems..'

'Wait! No dami!!'


I tought...

I tought... last night meant something..

I tought.. you liked me..

But in the end you didn't...

And in the end it doesn't even matter anymore..

Cause what i tought...

Wasn't the same thing that you tought..


I love..

I love you..

Bu you don't love me like i love you..

You don't love me..

Love me at all..



'Damiano.. i am so sorry... you and gio are prefect for eachother.. don't break up with her because of me..'

'Bella.. it's fine..'

'No it's not.. dami you should be with someone you really love..'

'amore.. i am...'

'It's okay damiano.. go be with her..she's prettier anyways..'

'Hey don't say that!..'

'Why??? Give me one good reason..'

'Because i love you...'



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now