18.{'i am pregant..'}

27 2 0


'So what's wrong my love..'

'Well.. it's just that i have been trough alot.. at work but also... i...'


'Thom just promise me you won't get mad at me..'

'Ofcourse i promise my love..'

'Okay... thomas.. i am pregant...'

'Wha-what??.. how long do you know this??..'

'Two days?..'

'And you didn't bother to tell me?!..'

'Thom i was afraid you would get mad... and i just didn't know how to tell you... i am so sorry..'

'Amore... i need a minute.. or two..'

Did you...

Did you even care...

Did you even care about me?..

Did you even...



I don't...

I don't know what...

I don't know what i did...

I don't know what i did..

Is this all..

All my fault?...

Is this all my own fault?...



I wish i had a normal life...

I wish i didn't had a life were...

Someone walked away..

Were people Walked away all the time...


When does it end??..

When does it all end??...

Was it worth it?...

All the tears..

That i cired..

All the words.. i've said..

Was it all worth it??...


*time skip* *8pm*

'Hey what are you do-hey are you okay??..'

'Uhh oh hey damiano..'

'What's wrong..?? Were is thomas???'

'He left... '

'What?? Why??..'

'Because i told him i am pregant..'



'But why did he leave????'

'Because i was afraid.. to tell him and that he was goimg to get mad.. i just don't know what to do right now... everything is ruined...'

'Awe bella..'



'Why are you hugging me??..'

'Cause your upset.. i don't like it when my friend is upset..'

'dami.. i am just fine..'

'You're not bella.. i can tell..'


'Cause you're shaking.. bella'

'Stop calling bella damiano..'

'I can call you whatever i want to'


'Ehehe you want me to make you some diner?'

'uhh yeah sure..'

'Okay.. you wanna help me or do you wanna write a little more?'

'Uhhm   I wanna write a little more..'

'Okay bella..'

*and he kisses her cheek before he lets her go out of his arms*


'Ehehe sorryyy..'



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now