8.{'your beautifull and sexy...'}

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Cause it..
Cause it feels.. like..
Cause it feels like heaven...
Cause it feels like heaven when i am with you..


'It's your turn now bella..'


'It's your turn.. to.. do'

'D-do what??...'

'you know...'

'Thomas.. i don't know if i can..'

'Bella don't be shy..'

Ugghh i hate this part of me like the part of me that's like shy..and shit.. i don't know why but i don't like that part of me at all..

'Thomas.. what if i do something wrong??..'

'You won't do anything wrong..'

'Uhm.. well i don't know..'

'Bella stop saying i don't know..your beautiful.. your sexy..do i need to go on??'

'Well uhm.. yes...'

'Ehehe now what???'

'Just.. promise me yo-'


And he puts his finger on my lips again not that i don't want that again but... gosh he's so sexy.. and o-ohh.. his oh my...

'Okay bu-'

'Shh bella just relax..a little..you seem a little nervous..'


'Don't be..'

While i look this blond.. boy.. he's taking off his jeans and i get down on my knees...

(See what i did there😂😂😂😉 jk😉😂)

'your so sexy bella.. now relax a little bit..'

'i am t-trying...'

'It's okay.. take your time babes..'


'Don't you sush me....'

The blond boy says with a smirk on his face..while i take off his boxers... and he starts smirking at me even more..

'oeh bella your blushing...'

'No i am not..'

'No i am not'

He says with a high pitched voice


'Sorry sorr-ohhh b-bella...'

Before i knew it my hand was around his c*ck.. and i started moving my hand.. and i could see that he enjoyed it.. but i think he wants more already from what i am seeing in his eyes... full of lust..

'P-please bella.. m-more...'

'Oh you want more thomas?..'

'Ye.. pl-please.....'

'okay..as you wish..thomas..raggi..'

I say with a little laugh..



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now