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'Oh fcking hell.. you're good at this..'

*Earlier that day*

{coralíne's pov}

Sometimes i wonder...

No no no!! That's not good ughhh...

'What's not good???'

'Uh oh hey dami..'

'Hii.. uhm i tought you wanted some company.. but i can see that your busy soo i am gonna leave'

'No dami it's okay! I mean uhm it's fine you can come in i was just-never mind but dami'


Oh my gosh he's so cute!! Ughhh.. why did he had to kiss mee...ughhh  just his eyes are soo idk  so sexy..and dreamy.... And his blonde hair.. it matches so well with everythingg ughhh he's so perfect

'nothing... just uhm after we kissed dami i uhm..'

'Amore you can tell me..don't be shy bella'

'uhm i started to have feellings for you..'

'Bella i like you no i am in love with you..'

Gosh he's so close to me right now i swearr i can feel his breath against my skin... he is soo freaking prefect.. but thomas is wayy more perfect.. his eyes are wayy more sexier..and  so dreamy and his body.. so skinny yet so hot...i wanna touch him again.. i miss himm... ugghh !! why is everything so diffecult when your in love...with two people...



'You catch flies..

'Oh uhm.. oopss..'

'ahaha it's fine amore.. you look so beautiful.. did you do your make up??'


'Oeh i like your eye liner.. very sexy..'


'What?? It's true..'

'Uhmm.. maybe we shouldn't do this...'

'I think we should... bella..'

*a couple of minutes later*

'oh fcking hell you're good at this..'

'Oeh what am i good at?..ehehe'

'Scking my d*ck..'

'Oehh like it when you say that..very sexy..ehehe'

Says the girl with a cheeky smile on her face.. wich is the same girl who's always shy when it comes to sx..it's so weird but now i feel much more confident.. with damiano.. he just gives you confidents i think ehehe

'ohh f**  hell.. amore.. i am getting closer..'

'You are huh?? Well let's wait..'

Ehehe i just like to tease sometimes ehehe

'what??? Are you kiding me?..'

'ehehe i am just teasing you damiano..'

'Yes you are bella..'

Goshh his voice when he's hrny soo sexy...

'Oh jesus... keep going bella...'

'Ohh i'll...'

'Oh fcking h-......'

*you know what's happening now*



I hope it isn't to dirty and if so i am sorryy😅😅🙈


The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now