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I tought..
i tought you wouldn't leave me..
I tought you wouldn't leave me all alone..
I tought you wouldn't leave me all alone...


I love you..

I love you more than i  can say..

I love you more than words can say..

I love you more than lyrics can discribe

I love you more than music can discribe..

I love you..

More than

I can say..     words lyrics    .. music... or

Can discribe..

You make me happier than everyone else..

You make me smile single day

You make me laugh in a way that no one can

You make me happy..


When he left...

When he left i tought i would never find love.. again...

I never tought i would find someone like you..

A person who can make me smile,laugh in ways i can't discribe

you made  me feel loved again when i tought i was lost..

You made me feel that i was loved by you..


'Amore are you writing again?'

'Oh hey dami.. uh yeah why??'

'Well is our little girl a sleep?'

'Yes sophia is a sleep dami.. why?'

'Okay good but uhmm  i tought uhm.. maybe vica could baby sit her tonight cause i wanna take you out for diner amore'

'wha-what??? Uh okay'

'Okay?? Is that a yes or a no??'

'Damiano... how many times do i have to te-it's a yes'

'Eheh okay..'

'Why are you laughing like that???'

'Like what??'

'Like your hiding something???'

'I am not hiding anything.. amore'

'You sure about that mister david???'

'yes i am sure..'

'Well all right then can i go back to my writing my poems?'

'Sure baby..'


Sometimes i wonder if you could see me?

What would you say to me?

What would you say to me if i yelled at you just like you did to me?

What would you do if i told you you weren't good enough just like you told me?

What would you do if i told you you aren't worthy?

What would you do if i told you you can't do sh*t? Just like you told me?

Would you yell at me?

Would you tell me that it isn't true?


I guess will never know cause you're not here

Your not there

You nowhere..


she was always the perfect one..

The percect one..

The prefect person..

Who couldn't do anything wrong..

The perfect person

Who wasn't just like me..

Not the perfect one..

But just a no one..



The man with the guitar in his hands❤️🎸{ThomasRaggi} Where stories live. Discover now