xii. an eagle in a gilded cage

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Swing, dodge, swing, dodge, swing. Dodge again.

The training sessions never got any less boring, even when someone as funny as Tamar was your partner. Still, Anya had been the person who convinced Alina to make physical training mandatory for the Second Army in the first place, so now it was within her duty to set an example.

Though maybe they should factore in the fact that Anya was the one who spent years, you know, in the real world, where she wasn't protected by the walls of the Little Palace and that she already had all the sword skills she expected herself to ever gain. The potential had been reached, nothing more to it. At least nobody expected her to go back to Botkin's classes ― that was a small victory, she supposed.

It wasn't that Anya disregarded the value of being physically strong altogether. But with the power of all the elements on her side, she did consider it a little bit redundant.

"Focus!" Tamar exclaimed in a joyful tone.

She loved those training sessions. At least one of the pair was enthusiastic to come to the training arena.

"I am focused," Anya muttered non-commitally and purposefully dropped her sword at a very light push. "Oh, no. I lost."

Tamar huffed. "I've seen you beat Nikolai in swordfighting."

"You're better than him, then. Congratulations." Anya smiled. "Break time?"

Tamar rolled her eyes, but followed the other girl off the field. They sat down on a sunbathed bit of grass and observed the other Grisha.

"How have you been feeling?" Tamar asked after a moment. "Back with the old crowd?"

Anya leaned back on her arms. "No feelings to be had."

"Of course. Stupid of me to ask."

Anya shot her an annoyed glance. Consider her instigated.

"Seems you've been having feelings for the both of us," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Isn't Nadia a bit annoying?"


"I mean, she's not a bad person or anything, but Marie and the Heartrender guy have a bad influence on her, if you're asking me."

"I wasn't."

"Oh, well, defend her to your heart's content."

Tamar didn't blush ― she never blushed, as far as Anya was aware ― but she started pulling at bits of grass in a nervous manner. Anya smiled a bit to herself.

SWEET MUSIC, nikolai lantsovWhere stories live. Discover now