xix. the ordeal of being known

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SHE HALF EXPECTED TO BE MET BY THE SIGHT OF EMPTY COMMONS, but Nikolai was still waiting when Anya stepped out of the Little Palace. Together, they made their way through the path covered by intertwined trees that led from one Palace to the other. Life on the royal court was so far filled with a lot of walking and not much else.

Every head along the way bowed at the sight of Nikolai. Sometimes, he stopped in his tracks to talk to the soldiers or servants, always adressing them by name. Anya knew it was probably a carefully thought out tactic on his part ― the people would marvel for days at the prince who noticed and spoke to them.

Unfortunately, she had to admit that it worked on her. Maybe seeing the rest of the royal family in action lowered her expectations, but Nikolai's modesty was a welcomed change.

By the time they reached the marble walls of the Grand Palace, Anya was overflowing with begrudging curiosity. Nikolai had not said a word or given a single hint as to where they were headed. He kept glancing at her, the hint of a bigger grin on his lips.

"What is it that you needed me to see?" Anya asked.

"Don't look so hesitant, it makes you even more intimidating than usual." Nikolai motioned towards one of the halls before going on and she followed. "I promise it's something nice."

Anya raised a brow. "Is it a herd of puppies? Because if not, I'm turning around."

"I'll keep that in mind for future reference." He halted in his steps. "But no, no little creatures this time."

They were standing in front a pair of grand doors, at least two stories high and carved with reliefs depicting various Saints, gilded like everything else in the palace. The windows on the other side of the hall let in sunbeams which glistened of the handles and frames, making the doors look almost enchanted.

"Close your eyes?" Nikolai asked.

Anya looked at him with raised brows.

"You must be joking."

"Come on, it's a surprise," he insisted.

She shook her head with disbelief and closed her eyes.

"After you, then," she said bitingly.

There was a sound of the door being opened. Nikolai gently took her hand in his ― it was pleasantly warm, especially against her always too-cold skin. With firm steps, he led her forward, then let go.

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