𝙾𝙽𝙴: 𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟼

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

          KHIANNA WOKE UP TO MULTIPLE voices speaking, faintly. As she fluttered her eyes open, the golden rays of the sun that entered the window blinded her eyes. It made her groan as she sat up using her elbows for support.

Looking around, it was then she notice that her surroundings look familiar— then realizing that she is in Hagrid's hut. Surely, she fainted in the middle of the fight after Bellatrix sent that spell her way. Then she remembered—

Khianna remembered that Hagrid's hut was on fire that it made her sit up straight, standing up to her feet immediately.

It also came to her that—

Her hands immediately went to her neck trying to feel that specific necklace that her grandmother gave her. Seeing a mirror, she immediately runs toward it only to see it was gone.

"No.. no, it can't be—"

"I see you are awake"

Turning sharply, Khianna was met with Albus Dumbledore. No, it can't be. The old man was dead— She saw it with her own eyes as Severus Snape fired the killing curse and the Headmaster fell from the Astronomy Tower meeting his death.

Dumbledore only smiled at you, a twinkle in his eyes.

It was then you notice two other figures behind the Headmaster of Hogwarts. There stood Hagrid and—

"Granny!" Khianna said, first instinct is she ran and hugged Professor McGonagall catching the woman of guard.

That was when the three had come to an conclusion. Khianna pulls away from the hug "I didn't mean to, Gran. It was all an accident. A spell hit me and the time turner broke—"

"Slow down, my dear" McGonagall said as Khianna did as told, breathing in and out.

"Answer me, honestly. Are you from the future?" She asked.

"Yes. And I am your granddaughter"

Khianna said bluntly knowing she needs to tell the truth if she ever wants to go back to 1996 to help her friends.

"Oh, dear..." McGonagall exclaimed, speechless. But, internally happy knowing her daughter found a man— happy knowing she has a granddaughter but shocked to have met someone from the future.

Dumbledore asked curiously, "What year are you from?"

The 16 year old girl looked at the (un)dead Headmaster. "1997, sir" Khianna answered.

"1997!?" Hagrid spoke for the first time, loudly, might I add. Shocked to see a person from that far into the future.

From his reaction, Khianna wondered why he reacted that way. Making her asked out of curiosity "What year is it?"

Though her questioned was ignored, "What's your name?" Hagrid asked, curiously.

"Khianna Stark" She answered.

"Who is your Father?" McGonagall asked.

"Tony Stark" She answered.

Dumbledore asked, "Your Mother?"

"Isn't it obvious, Headmaster? Mavis McGonagall" Khianna answered, finding Dumbledore dumb at this moment but then asked again.

"What year is it?"

This time she was answered.

"It's 1976.... October 22 to be exact"

And for a second time, Khianna dropped unconscious. From shock and horror because she went back to the time where her Mother still studied in Hogwarts.


Or what the Golden Trio, Khianna and the Weasley Twins call it—

The Marauders Era.

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