𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽: 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

           "YOU MUST BE TIRED" JAMES SAID AS Khianna and Mavis followed him but Mavis stopped and still Khianna continued to follow him. Not realizing that she just entered the boys locker room.

"Just a little bit" Khianna answered

Mavis tried, she really did. But it was too late. Her daughter walked into the locker room.

"Did she just?" Remus asked stopping beside Mavis.

The McGonagall girl nodded looking towards Remus with a I'm tired look. Remus sighed— "Mavis, you should tell Khianna to look after her heart"

"I already told her that" Mavis stated.

"Good... she doesn't deserve to get hurt. James can be oblivious and you know him—"

"A one girl type of man. Yeah I got that ever since he kept repeatedly trying to get Lily to date him" Mavis said chuckling. Remembering those times that James repeatedly failed to ask Lily out on a date.

"Oh and remember what he always says—"

"Potter's only fall in love once"

And that will be the hugest lie that James Potter has ever told in his life.

Meanwhile inside the locker room.

"Thanks for the energy boost, by the way" James said opening his locker.

Khianna smiles toward him "Your welcome" She stated. He smiled as he took off his shirt which Khianna was not expecting making her look anywhere but his half naked self.

But her eyes found their way back to him. Her eyes trailed down from his head to his abs— "Take a picture. It will definitely last longer and the best part is— It moves!" James exclaimed.

Khianna blushes which made him laugh.

"I was not staring!"

"I didn't say that, Love" James smirks towards Khianna making her scoff. He chuckles wearing his polo. It made Khianna smile somehow.

"I'm sure that Lily got jealous" James said looking away from her.

And somehow, that statement made the smile on Khianna's face fall short slowly. He looks back at Khianna.

"She's going to admit her love to me soon and finally she will be my girlfriend" James stated, sighing. Just imagining this happen making him smile widely.

Khianna wanted to smile. Seriously. She wanted to smile genuinely at the fact her best friend's parents were finally going together all because of her. But the smile that she made was fake.

"Yeah, for sure" Khianna agreed. Beginning to tease the Potter Boy.

"Khianna Stark!"

The door opened to show Mavis. James and Khianna looked towards her. "Come on! We promise to help Madam Pince organize the books in the library!" Mavis stated in a hurry.

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