𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

          "MOM, I'M SCREWED! I'M SCREWED!" Khianna panicked, whisper yelling to Mavis who was shocked at the fact that Khianna called her Mom instead of Mave or Mavis.

But she didn't question it. It actually made her happy.

"Anna, It will be fine. James wont do anything bad to you" Mavis said trying to reassure her daughter but mumbled under her breath "Except prank you..."

And it didn't help Khianna heard it making her wail in frustration, messing up her golden brown locks before sitting down her now usual sit on the Gryffindor Table as Mavis sat beside you.

"I'm so screwed!" Khianna exclaimed under her breath in frustration and horror.

Mavis shakes her head as she began to put food on her plate. Khianna did the same and because she is so stressed at the moment— she is over putting food on her plate.

"Prongs, hurry up!"

This made Khianna freeze in her spot. And it made Mavis looked at the source of the sound. To see Sirius walking in backwards.

"Don't look" Khianna stated.

James walked in with Remus who is holding a book and Peter who just rushed towards their usual spot and began to eat the food. And Mavis made eye contact with James.

The Potter boy looked at Mavis, holding eye contact before Mavis broke it looking at her plate. "His already looking" Mavis informed her daughter.

"Oh no. Mom, I'm screwed" Khianna whispered in horror. The two girls glance to the side to see that the Marauders have already settled down. Noisy as the rest of the students in the Great Hall who were having lunch.

James was writing down on a piece of paper.

"What are you writing this time?" Sirius asked his bestfriend.

Remus asked averting his eyes from his book to look at James who is busy writing something down on the paper "You aren't sending that to Evans are you?"

"Nope" James stated dragging the P. "It's entirely for someone else"

That sentence made the three boys frown "Uh, who?" Peter asked, mouth full of food. James didn't answer them as he folded the paper in a bird. He held it in his palm, blowing the paper bird.

Once Khianna notice and figured out what he was doing, she immediately stood up to her feet "Let's go" She stated.

"But we just got here. And you haven't eaten anything—"

"I'm full, Mave. Let's just go" Khianna pleaded her mother. Mavis only sighed, standing up accidentally knowing off her books. The mother and daughter duo began to help each other pick up the books in hurry.

But as Khianna looks up, a paper bird is flying in front of her. This made her look towards James who was already staring at her with a smile. A smile that she can't exactly pinpoint to what it meant.

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