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          "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT MAVIS IS dead?!" James yelled at Remus and Sirius who both stood before him. Telling the James about the tragedy that happened with Mavis McGonagall.

Being killed by one of the death eaters as she fought bravely in a battle between them to save her baby, Khianna. And she was able to get 1 year old Khianna to safety before she lost her life.

"James, Mavis tried to take Khianna home but it was too late. Her Father wouldn't be home from abroad for about a week and Mavis chose you to care for Khianna incase anything happened to her" Remus explained to their dear friend who is panicking.

"And It's best with you then with us" Sirius said as he handed baby Khianna to James who gladly took the girl in his arms. Baby Khianna giggled at the sight of James, it made the 21 year old Potter to smile down at the baby.

"Hey, Khia... I miss you, Darling" James whispered, lovingly and Khianna just giggled, smiling widely like the adorable baby she is.

"Don't worry. She is safe with me" James nods to his best friends.

"Good. We better go. Stay safe" Remus bids to James as they hug one another before letting go and walking out. Now, it was Sirius' turn to hug James.

"Stay safe, Prongs" Sirius said letting go of his brother in everything but blood "Bye, Prongs Junior!" Sirius waved to Baby Harry who was in his mini crib in the living room, jumping and giggling happily at the sight of his Godfather.

"Bye, Anna" Sirius smiled down to Baby Khianna before walking out, closing the door behind him.

The best friends never knew that was their last hugs with one another.

Lily came walking out of the kitchen, "They already left?" Lily asked but receive no answer from James.

She looks to see James staring down at the 1 year old baby girl in his arms. Lily only smiled bitterly at the sight of her husband looking so happy. James was never truly happy after Khianns left with Harry's birth to the world being the only exception. Not even on their wedding day.

Lily knew that James might've been with her but his heart was never truly hers anymore. It will always be with Khianna in baby form or full grown form. It will always be Khianna.

"James" Lily called her husband.

"Mm?" James hummed looking at Lily.

Lily lost words. She just wanted his attention but clearly it was all on Khianna. Lily only smiled "Nothing—"

Lily was cut off by hearing their gate open.

"Must be the Padfoot" James said "Probably forgot something"

James placed Khianna down on her stroller as James went to peek through the window only to see a cloaked figure. And that was no good sign.

"Lily, takes Harry upstairs now!" James yelled to his wife.

"What?" Lily asked confused.

"His here. Hurry!" James said and Lily grabbed Harry out of his crib running up the stairs.

James then opens a secret small compartment by the wall, taking Khianna out of her crib. He looked the baby in her electric blueish gray eyes. "I love you, Khianna... so much. Don't a sound, okay?" James talks to Khianna before hiding her in the compartment.

He leaned in, kissing the baby on her forehead before closing the door.

James grabbed his wand, pointing towards the door. Ready to attack him, the Dark Lord. He hopes that Lily has ran off with Harry by now, far from here.

But suddenly a flash of light blinded James, he closes his eyes before opening it to see a house elf.

"Mr. James Potter must come with Lola to 1999 to see Miss Stark" The house elf spoke.

"I'm sorry, what?" James asked.

Lola the House Elf, holds games by his clothes .


But James wasn't able to finish his sentence as he suddenly was duplicated. His other half he saw standing beside him frozen. "Why is there another me?" James asked freaked out.

But his question was never answered because he felt woozy and he heard a poof.

Opening his eyes, he looks around to see that he is in Hogwarts?

"Hey, House elf—"

But the house elf was gone leaving him standing before Hogwarts. Why the hell did that House Elf bring him here? His family is in danger. He left a baby in a small secret compartment in the house.

Then he remembered what the house elf told him. Lola brought him forward into time.



But why so far into the future? What was his purpose here? Why come to him when his life is in dangers way? Why now and not earlier?

He was supposed to by time for his family but instead, he went further into time.

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