𝚂𝙸𝚇: 𝚃𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝙳𝚘𝚠𝚗

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

          IT'S BEEN A GOOD TWO WEEKS SINCE Khianna found herself back in time, in 1976. Luckily, nothing bad as happened so far. And she hasn't exactly bumped into the Marauders or James Potter to be exact. It was so weird to be in a time where the adults she all knows are just a bunch of teenagers.

Maybe in some ways, she has bumped into Remus Lupin in the library. And Peter Pettigrew— the darn rat— when she goes to sneak food from the kitchen. Though, Peter Pettigrew was far from the rat she know back in her time. This Peter Pettigrew in 1976 is one hell of a snack.

Despite being in the same houses as them, Khianna barely saw the Marauders. Perhaps, it was the different time tables or they were just always up to know good.

Maybe Khianna never bumped into the four bestfriends but she saw them from afar creating mischief and just being a bunch of friends but mostly she watch James Potter try and get Lily Evans heart.

Though no matter how many times, he was turned down. He kept coming back with new tactics and flowers only for Lily to turn him down yet again. Khianna found it amusing because James is quite persistent. And anyone can see in his eyes how in love he is with the red-head.

"Earth to Anna— Khianna!!!!"

Khianna snapped out of her thoughts as Alice snapped a finger in front of her. She was able to escape the daze, she is in.

"What?" Khianna asked looking confused.

"We lost you for a moment. You alright?" Alice asked her friend, worriedly.

"Perfectly fine. I was just—"

"Thinking of a boy? Tell us, who is it?" Marlene said with a cheeky grin.

Mavis rolls her eyes at Marlene but an amuse smile on her face when she saw her own daughters cheeks go rosy pink. "Oh, Marls. Stop teasing Anna. Surely, she isn't thinking of a boy" Mavis said not really trying to help her daughter but also find out if her suspicions are true.

"What!? Of course not! I was just thinking of..." Khianna went blank.

"Thinking of what?" Alice asked, innocently. Daring Khianna to spill.

But before the girl could answer, she was cut off by a guitar playing. It made their attention avert from Khianna and to the direct of the sound.

Only to see the one and only, James Potter, walking towards Lily Evans with a guitar in his hand. Lily was sitting with Mary and other two Gryffindor's as they were doing a group project for Transfiguration.

Some only rolled their eyes expecting for the bespectacled boy to get rejected again while some were in awe at James' efforts to try anrdwin the red-heads heart.

The only thing that anyone can do is watch as James Potter, the golden boy, serenades, Lily Evans, the red haired prefect.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you" James sang and surprising he has a good voice.

Everything, in all honesty, looked perfect. Khianna watches James serenade Lily and it all just happened in slow motion for her eyes. The way James' fingers strummed on the guitar, the way his lips moved to the words, the way his eyes sparkled while staring at his beloved flower.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you" James ended the song but somehow, his blue eyes drifted away from Lily's green ones as he met Khianna's electric blueish gray eyes.

The eye contact felt long but for everyone it was just a split second before James looks away and back to Lily. That made Khianna shake her head, looking away. Placing a hand to her chest, feeling it beat abnormally.

"Lilyflower, will you be my girlfriend?" James asked.

This made Khianna look back to the scene. Seeing Sirius Black, the latter's bestfriend, hand James' a bouquet of fresh beautiful lilies. Before handing it to Lily who accepted the flowers but the girl looked red in the face, red as her hair.

"No" Lily said standing up to her feet "How many times will I have to tell you no!?" Lily asked looking annoyed and frustrated.

Lily throws the bouquet to the ground, "I told you that I would never date a toe rag like you!!!" Lily stated

"You are so irritating, Potter. For the millionth time, I will never love you"

With that Lily turned a heel and walked off. Mary, Marlene and Alice runs after the red haired girl leaving Mavis and Khianna alone.

As if on cue, the skies roared and thunder struck as droplets of water fell. Crying for the broken heart of James Potter. The rain only made students retreat back into the castle for shelter and warmth.

"Anna, come on!" Mavis said as she grabbed Khianna's hand. The two girls running back in the castle but Khianna let's go of Mavis' hand.

The mother looked at her daughter who was staring out to the courtyard.

James only stared at the ground not even budging from his spot, the flowers getting wet. His friends trying to get him to move and get back in the castle but to no avail, they failed. James stood there under the rain, his own set of tears falling. The sky cried with him, to hide his tears.

"Prongs, come on" Sirius Black tried to get his bestfriend to move.

"Mate, we need to get back in. Come on"

His friends continued to plead for him to move.

The only thing that Khianna saw was the side view of James' face. It might have been raining but she saw, she saw that tear that left his eye hiding with the wet droplets on his face.

Khianna's heart broke at the sight of a broken James Potter because she had never seen James look so heart broken in her days in 1976. He has always been smiling everyday, no matter how much Lily turns him down. He still smiles but now, he didn't.

Instead he cried. Cried the tears that he holds back every time the girl he loves turns him down.

"Khianna, let's go back to the common room" Mavis said walking to Khianna grabbing her daughter's hand.

Khianna let's her mother drag her away because if Mavis didn't. Khianna would have stood there to wait for the notorious heartthrob troublemaker to budge from his spot.

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