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          "HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL before?" James asked holding Khianna's hand as the two of them walk down the hill, making both of your way towards the Quidditch Field.

"James, exam's are nearing. We need to attend every class to make sure we don't miss a lesson and we need to ace everything single one—"

James cuts off Khianna's rumbling by abrutively standing in front of her and slamming his lips against hers. Khianna grips on his leather jacket.

Their lips moved in sync. A kiss of passion and love. But it was cut short by James pulling away. "Nearing means it's not here yet" James started.

Khianna opens her mouth to counter something back but James gave her a kiss again on the lips which cuts her off then he pulls away. "I promise that after this we won't be skipping classes again" James promises.

Khianna gives her lover a look while James smiles sheepishly. She sighs in defeat.

"Fine but you better make this worth it. I have broken my perfect attendance for you" Khianna stated. She has broken her perfect attendance here in 1976-77. Her attendance record back in 1991 to 1997 has already been broken multiple times. She has just been incredibly in denial with being a Stark after all.

Stubborn people.

"Oh, it will be worth it" James winks at Khianna, teasingly. Making Khianna laugh.

Then they both ran towards the stadium. James opening the Gryffindor Closet to get his broom. He rides it as Khianna gets behind, wrapping her arms around his waist.


"Yeah" Khianna answered and they were zooming out of Hogwarts.


"Why are we passing this way?"

"Where are you really taking me, James?"

Khianna asked her boyfriend curiously as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Letting him fly them to god knows where. James turns his head a bit to meet Khianna's eyes.

"Just trust me" James whispered to her with a smile before turning to look back straight. Not needing to run into birds or planes.

And no one needed to tell. James didn't need to tell her because she trust him. She knew that she will always be safe with him. So, she just relaxes but grips a little bit tighter on his waist, resting her head on his back. Admiring the whole city of london from above.

So this is what london looks like in 1970s. It's still beautiful. Very vintage. The breeze kisses Khianna's cheek, it was soothing. The breeze was cold which made her sigh. Slowly her eyelids dropped.

And soon she fell asleep. James could feel it making him chuckle. He mumbles a spell to make sure that Khianna doesn't let go of her grip on his waist and make sure she doesn't fall.


"Could you point me to where it is..." James showed the location to the man.

"Oh! Just drive straight then you will pass by some trees after those trees, you will see a hill and that's your spot. From there, there are arrows to show you your way" The man said kindly. James nodded with a smile.

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