𝚃𝚆𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚈-𝚃𝚆𝙾: 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜

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        "WHY DO YOU WANT TO BACK OUT from our deal?" James asked, walking around setting up the prank for Severus Snape. Remus was the only one being able to hear it as Sirius and Peter were far away from them and preoccupied.

"You said it yourself that you think Lily is close enough to admit that she loves you. You said that Lily is close enough to ask to be yours!" Khianna ranted as she followed after James who was walking further away as he pulled the rope which held buckets in the air filled with pink paint.

"You said that our plan is working and that she is getting jealous. So, in conclusion, I did my part well on this deal"

James ties the rope, making sure its steady before walking off to set the other pranks. The fart bombs which the Marauders made themselves and they are stinker then the original fart bombs. Oh, the Slytherin Common Room will be pink and smelly.

"James, I want to stop. Let me go!" Khianna whines really wanting to end this because time is at risk, her life is at risk... and she is feeling things that she shouldn't be feeling. She isn't allowed to feel this things.

"But why?"

James wants a reasonable answer on why Khianna wants to end the deal all of a sudden after being gone for a week and coming back acting like everything was fine.

Khianna stomps her feet in frustration, "Seriously, James!? I already told you. Let's stop this!"

James pauses before grabbing his broom, turning to Khianna handing her it "Ride it and place the bird feathers on top" James said handing Khianna a balloon filled with bird feathers.

"I don't ride, remember?" Khianna tries to make James recall.


"Come on, James!" Khianna exclaimed in annoyance.

"Put the balloon up there first" James said pointing towards the ceiling.

Khianna chuckles in disbelief, "There you go again. You want everything to go your way, the James Freaking Potter way" Like Father, like Son really....

"I'm fed up! Can't you understand that!? I can't take it anymore! I am done!" Khianna stated, raising her voice. This caught Sirius and Peter's attention now as well. As the three Marauders watch Prongs and Vixen fight.

"What's going on,?" Peter whispered to Sirius.

"No idea, Wormtail. No idea at all...." Sirius answered

"Being with you will be the death of me, James Potter. I don't want to be with you anymore!"

Sirius and Peter's eyes widen. Remus sighed, thinking.

If only you knew, Prongs. If only you knew...

"Isn't that reason enough? What else to I have to say to have you let me go!?" Khianna asked "What? You want me to put this stupid balloons up there? Oh here then. Will this finally make you let me go? Fine!" Khianna said as she rode the broom. Not caring if it was wobbly before sticking it on the roof and landing horribly on the ground.

"You want that? Are you happy now!?" Khianna asked irritated. Very irritated.

Then Khianna looks to meet James' blue eyes. James gave her a small bitter smile.

"There's really no one who wants to be with me, huh?" James asked bitterly before turning around leaving the Slytherin Common Room.

Khianna sighs in frustration, turning around calling for her fake boyfriend, "James!" She called running after him.

"Awkward..." Sirius mumbled.

Meanwhile James was walking up the stairs as Khianna followed behind him.

"James, hey!" Khianna called for him.

"James that is not what I meant! It's not like that" Khianna tried to tell him. This was a lot harder then she thought it would be.

"Then what!? Come on! Tell me, Khianna!" James raised his voice at Khianna who looked tired and close to tears.

Khianna asked, "James, don't you get it?"

"Get what?"

"The truth!"

"What truth? Just tell it straight to me—"

Khianna bursted out, "I want this to end because it is becoming real!"

"What is becoming real!?" James asked confused but frustrated at the same time.

"That I am really falling in love with you!!!"

And everything was silent. Both of them were.

But James countered it back with a, "And you think I'm not?" He asked.

Khianna didn't know what to say as she stared at James' blue eyes.

"You are right. Let's stop this"

And that broke her heart as she took off the glasses that James bought for her, wiping away her tears. "Let's be a real couple" He said and that made Khianna look up to him, shocked.

"No games. No faking. A real couple. Let's be official" James said straightforward. Not going anywhere but straight.

"We'll only get hurt" Khianna said and she was right. They would only get hurt in the future but she is now changing the future that she is trying so hard to protect from changing.

All because of love.

"Why do you always have excuses?"

"Because I know"

"Just for once, can you stop making excuses?" James asked her "Just let go. If we will get hurt, then so be it. That's part of love, right? A relationship will only be dull without agruments and hurting but what's important is at the end of the day, it's still us"

"For once in your life, don't you want to be be brave? We are Gryffindor's for Merlin's sake!"

But that's the thing, Khianna is a snake not a lion to begin with.

"I'm scared..." Khianna whispered. She is scared. Scared of all of this ending. Scared that she would change the future drastically. Scared because she wants this. She wants him.

"Why?" James asked.

"Because I want to. Because I want this. Because I want you" Khianna answered. As she gave him a smile "I really really really want to. I really really really want you"

James gives her a smile before pulling her in a hug. Khianna hugs back, a smile on her face as she buries her face on the crook of the Potter boy's head. The two of them stayed in that hug for a good minute before James pulls away.

He cups her face, connecting their lios together. Which fit perfectly and moved in sync. No hesitation or pretending. Everything is real and true.

They were officially each others.

And nothing can stop them except time.

She's Dating A Marauder || James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now