𝚂𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽: 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚢...

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

          "ARE YOU SURE WE ARE ALLOWED TO leave Hogwarts?" Khianna asked unsure as James guided her slowly to one of the floo networks in the school. Everyone else were at Hogsmeade having a normal free school work day.

"Yeah, we are" James assured Khianna.

"What if we get caught?" Khianna asked, raising a brow.

"We won't. Stop asking questions now" James said as he opened the door before guiding Khianna to the fireplace. The two of them stood under it as James grabs a handful of floo power.

"Hold on tight" James looks at Khianna before saying "Diagon Alley!"


There feet landed on the busy street of Diagon Alley. Well, it's not as busy as when people go shopping for school supplies. Khianna said nothing as she lets James guide her to god knows where and they entered a shop which she got a glimpse of its name.

Hair and Make-Up Miracle

The couple went to the front desk, "James Potter" James said his name.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. Please get accomadated with an empty sit and Mr. Raul will be here soon" The front desk lady said with a smile as James nodded guiding Khianna towards one of the empty sits and making her sit.

"Why are we here?" Khianna asked.

"To give you a make over" James answered.

Khianna frowns looking at James, "You know you can just say I am ugly straight to my face, Potter" Khianna stated, raising a brow.

James rolled his eyes as he flickered her forehead making the girl groan in pain, pouting towards the Potter Boy. "Not what I meant, Stark" James said.

Khianna smiles, "So, you think I am pretty?"

"Don't do that reverse psychology on me. It freaks me out" James shivered making Khianna laugh.

The conversation was cut short by someone greeting James so loudly, "James?! Long time!"

Khianna saw from the mirror a man walking towards them in a girly manner. Khianna knew she already like this guy. As the guy bends down to give her cheek to cheek, he paused seeing her face.

"Hello— Oh, who is this?" He asked shamelessly looking towards James. He looked at her confused. This must be the Mr. Raul that the front desk lady speaks off.

"Her hair is gorgeous" Mr. Raul complimented. Touching her hair.

Perks of being close with Sirius, he tells all the amazing products he uses for his hair.

"This is Khianna. My girlfriend" James introduce and the fact that he did that like he says it every time and especially with a smile. Made Khianna feel something weird in her stomach.... butterflies.

"Oh, Hello" Mr. Raul greeted.

"Hi" Khianna greeted back with a smile.

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