𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜

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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

          KHIANNA COULD THANK THE HEAVENS for it is lunch time. And the fact that she doesn't go to class until after lunch. She really can't believe though that her grandmother would have her start immediately. But, it was no harm since Khianna has a feeling that 6th year would be a piece of cake.

Especially since she has always been through six year unless the curriculum is different in 1976. She only prayed it wasn't therefore she could easily ace 6th year in 1976 like she ace it in 1996.

"After lunch, we have Charms" Lily informs Khianna as the two girls walked side by side down the now busy corridors.

"And after Charms?" Khianna questioned.

"Herbology then Flying" Lily states "After that, we have free period then dinner" She says as Khianna nods her head.

Hoping for the day to move fast. After classes, McGonagall ask of Khianna to come to the Headmasters office to discuss about her travel back home. She only hope for it to be sooner then later after all the Dark Lord is at large.


The two girls look towards to the yelling to see a girl who— somehow looks familiar to Khianna making the electric blueish gray eyed girl to frown.

It was only when Lily yells out a name that Khianna recognizes the girl running towards them with two other girls right behind her.

"Mavis!" Lily yells out running towards the group of three.

The name made Khianna's eyes widen in shocked because the girl that Lily is hugging right now is her Mother, Mavis McGonagall— and she has never met her mother. Only knowing what she looks like through pictures, only knowing what she is like through stories.

"Marlene! Alice!" Lily called out. The other two girls Khianna also knows through stories.

Marlene McKinnon and Alice Fortescue joined in the hug. The four girls pulled away from the red-head.

Alice first spoke, "We were worried when Professor McGonagall pulled you out of Potions" She said.

"What trouble did you cause, Lils?" Marlene teases her friend.

"What did my Mom have to say?" Mavis asked.

"Was it prefect related—"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! One of the time, girls" Lily chuckles at her friends, clearly going soft at the thought of her friends worrying for her.

She informed to calm their worry asses, "I'm not in trouble and yes, it was prefect related" Lily says before looking behind to meet Khianna's electric blueish gray eyes. It made the three girls look at where their friend was looking only to see Khianna.

"Girls meet Khianna Stark. She is new and a Gryffindor" Lily introduces.




They all greeted Khianna with smiles. And the latter couldn't help but feel her eyes water at the sight of her mother before her. But, she sucks it up walking towards them standing beside Lily.

"Hi" Khianna greeted back, waving her hand.

Mavis was the one who said, "You look extremely beautiful and Khianna is a pretty name" Mavis grinned.

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