008, last breath

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Chapter Eight, Last Breath

❝ the first night that you saw me, ❞

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❝ the first night that you saw me, ❞

❝ nothing was gonna stop me.❞


MY HEELS CLINK AGAINST the floor, applause and continuous cheering following my very exit off the stage. I take a deep breath in, relieved the crowd's fixating eyes and open ears are no longer focused on me and what might come out of my mouth. It's Peeta's turn now.

I watch him confidently enter the stage, barely a few minutes after I left it. Like every single tribute, he is warmly greeted by Caesar, who's offering his open arms. His whole person consists of a cheeriness that can't possibly be surpassed and questions seconds away from revealing your deepest secrets.

Betrayal continues to linger in my heart as I recall the fact that Peeta chose to be separated from me, and didn't even mouth a word of good luck, of encouragement, before my own interview. 

Nevertheless, I still pay attention to his conversation with the host of the night, Caesar Flickerman and his dazzling smile.

"Peeta, how are you finding the Capitol? And don't say with a map!" he commences, fixing his midnight blue suit.

"It's different. Very different from back home." answers the blond, his hair neatly combed and reflecting the lights in the room. All I wanted to do was put my hand in the mists of it and ruffle it, to revert it back to its messy, usual look. 

Now, to say that the Capitol was very different from back home was an evident understatement. Comparing the Capitol head quarters and our homes in District 12 would be like comparing a roaring lion to a dying pigeon.

"Different? In what way? Gives us an example." Caesar ponders, watching Peeta attentively.

"Uh, okay, well the showers here are weird." Peeta starts, the ghost of a smile resting on his face.

Fits of laughter consequently emerge in the audience, and I silently wish I could have that easy-going, chilled personality my district partner seems to have.

"The showers... we have different showers." Caesar questions, and a flicker of a smile appears on my lips because, Capitolian or not, the host did have a way to dance around words and add a drop of humour into them.

"I have a question for you Caesar, do I smell like roses to you?" Peeta inquires, directing the man sitting next to him to come closer. 

I lightly chuckle as Caesar does sniff his shoulder, and continues the joke by offering Peeta to smell him as well. This play goes on about for a rough thirty seconds before the boy is interrogated with another question, smoothly changing the subject of this conversation.

✓ Raw and Wild / Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now