021, haunting dreams

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Chapter Twenty-One, Haunting Dreams

Chapter Twenty-One, Haunting Dreams

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❝ what's a god, ❞

❝ to a non believer? ❞


I COULDN'T HELP FOR MY LIPS TO shoot up as I skip around the chestnut saplings. The sun's rays contour my figure and twinkle against my skin, offering comfort and joy to blossom at my heart. I drag my index finer against a trunk, the sweet smell of pine wood playing around my nose.

This is my home. This is the place where I feel safe, secure. Where I feel like me. Only me.

The cascade of my thoughts are yet interrupted by my body leaving the ground suddenly, my feet dangling a few inches up the ground.

"Gale!" I shriek, loudly giggling as the boy twirls me around, his arms lacing my body.

"How dare you come into the woods without me, Jade?" he asks, finally putting me down, smiling down at me.

"I knew you'd come up, Gale." I laugh.

"Found anything yet?" he asks, peering down at me.

"I'm not here to hunt. Just to, you know, distract myself." I whisper while we pursue our path in the forest, his arm draping over my shoulder.

"You know, they're calling you warrior princess down in the district." Gale describes.

"Warrior princess? How did they get that?" I question, developing an immediate liking to the nickname.

"Well you know, they notice you seep in and out of the woods," the boy starts. "a bloody knife at hand and dead animals in your grasp."

"As long as the Peacekeepers don't know about it-" I start, the ghost of a smile sinking onto my face.

"But that's not why they call you that, Jade. It's because you do it witch such grace, and joy. It's mesmerising." Gale interrupts.

"That's thanks to you." I voice, gazing up at my friend, who helped me in ways I could never return.

"I just never thought you'd use what I taught you to murder innocent children..."

I whip my head in his direction, his sentence startling me. Yet, instead of landing onto his demeanour, I see him progressively transform into no other than Peeta Mellark.

In horror, I shriek as loudly as I can, turning to sprint out of the forest. 'Peeta' rapidly follows me, the echo of his running makings its way to my ears.

My foot comes in contact with a bump on the ground, sending me to the floor in a second. I'm obliged to face my pursuer as my head swivels around.

✓ Raw and Wild / Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now