009, in the games

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Chapter Nine, In The Games

❝ it was the end of a decade, ❞

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❝ it was the end of a decade, ❞

❝ and the start of an age. ❞


"THEY'LL PUT ALL KINDS OF STUFF RIGHT IN FRONT, RIGHT IN THE MOUTH OF the Cornucopia." Haymitch describes, preparing me for my entry in the arena. However, his words don't mean that much to me, I am too preoccupied picking at my nails and trying to breathe to concentrate on frivolous instructions.

This was it. The moment I had been dreading, the moment I could never be prepared for enough. The Hunger Games. Who knows what might happen in the arena, what kind of obstacle they'll confront me with, who might die at my hand. I think of my home, my sister, Gale, who I might never see again. 

This was all hitting me hard, I felt dizzy with apprehension and terrified that the games might not go as I had planned: me winning.

"Jade, listen to me. They'll even be knives there, but don't go for them." I hear my mentor advise, causing my eyes to widen.

This statement alerts me all over. Then, what will I have to defend myself with? How will I actually survive without my chosen weapon?

"But I need to. To fight." I respond, tugging at the strands of my hair laying on my shoulders, not managing to imagine my victory without my knives sitting at my belt.

"Don't. It's a bloodbath, they're trying to pull you in. That's not your game." Haymitch fiercely snaps back, sending me the daggers through his gaze. 

I choose to nod, sending my mentor a small smile, trying to reassure him on his worries concerning my impulses.

"All you need to is turn, find high ground, look for water. Water is your new best friend. Oh, and don't step off that pedestal early, they'll blow you sky high." Haymitch comments, watching my expression.

"Exciting." I reply, staring at the elevator doors as they open, revealing the giant hovercraft I was compelled to enter. 

The sun causes my eyes to squint, and I stop as Haymitch grabs my shoulders and shakes me a little.

"Jade, you can do this." he says, warmly smiling at me, trying to be supportive as I'm about to board a train whose final stop could turn into my worst tragedy.

When I peer into his cerulean iris', I can't help but feel my lips quirk up a little. Haymitch Abernathy is nowhere near perfect, but I had grown to appreciate his company and advice, despite our rocky beginning.

✓ Raw and Wild / Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now