015, spreading fire

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I'M WOKEN UP BY the slow rhythm of a chest rising and falling from under me. I sigh, realising the loneliness of the night had collided our bodies, both searching for the comfort of human warmth. I choose to stay there, staring up peacefully at the round roof of the dark cave, that had kept us somewhat safe.

Closing my eyes, I enjoy the calmness of the moment, ignoring the chaos that thrived outside of this space. After a short minute, I feel Cato's body still, translating the end of his sleep. 

At that, the upper half of my body gets up, and the sudden presence of the boy's hand on my lower back is enough to send chills travel through my spine.

I turn around, my eyes setting onto the sly grin set onto the blond's face.

"Don't get too comfortable" I mumble, now fully standing up.

"You weren't saying that that when you were cuddling me last night, sweetheart." Cato confidently replies, raising his eyebrow.

"Do you ever just shut up?" I snap back, shooting him a clearly fake-smile, not ready to match his usual cockiness, having just woken up.

"Well, you definitely aren't a morning person." he whispers under his breath, but loud enough for me hear.

"At least you're right about one thing" I answer, searching my bag for a small portion of food, that could supply my stomach with minor contempt and ease my mind, tricking myself into thinking I had eaten breakfast. I sit down and bite into a minuscule chunk of meat I had stored from yesterday, and Cato's figure approaches me. I hand him what's left of his part of yesterday's meal, that had also been put into my bag. He gulps down it in an instant.

The mystery of the day that presented itself strains my thoughts, and I know that I had to separate from my muscular companion, no matter how much that seemed to somewhat scare me. 

I have a nagging feeling we were approaching the end of the games more and more. I felt like I was stuck walking in a narrow tunnel, and I could only go one way: towards the light. Towards my victory. My home. And I couldn't do that with Cato by my side.

"Want me to show where to find Peeta?" the boy asks, peering down at me.

"Please" I genuinely say, already excited at the prospect of seeing my friend.

"Okay then. Pack all your stuff, and then let's go." he assertively demands. I raise my eyebrows, noticing him avoiding my gaze.

"You're kicking me out?" I chuckle, disguising the small amount of hurt that blossomed in my heart. However, I couldn't help but feel relieved that he was the one that proposed the end of this possible alliance, carrying the weight of the demand.

✓ Raw and Wild / Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now