013, evolution

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Chapter Thirteen, Evolution

Chapter Thirteen, Evolution

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❝ i'll walk through fire ❞

❝ to save my life. ❞


I'M RUNNING THROUGH THE WOODS, MACHETE IN HAND, NEEDING for this to be over. Days had passed, I had been possessed by pain I tried to ignore, and overcome by sudden solitude. I skimmed death a few times, nearly crossing paths with deadly tributes or having trouble dealing with the growing hunger.

I was hunting, finding hiding spots, but that was it. I forget how many of us are actually still alive, but I am going to reduce that number as much as I can. I wasn't going to become a bloodthirsty, cruel murderer, wanting to torture and humiliate their victims. But any person that came my way would never the see the sun set again.

As if on purpose, my eye catches the mobile silhouette of a tribute. A smirk tugs at my lips, and I run towards the shadow. The girl, that I don't bother to recognise, whips her body around, the sound of my sprinting having hinted to my presence. 

When she sees me, I stop in my tracks, still lightly smiling. This was a good show, in term of sponsors. I notice the silver sword that she is tightly gripping in her hand. Yet, the way she handles it tells me she doesn't have much experience. I anticipate her next move when she brings her weapon upwards.

It's a good thing I'm quicker. I lunge towards her, putting my whole body weight onto her body, like a predator locking its prey to the ground. It causes her to fall down under the unexpected force, with me straddling her. My stealth and rapidity were two advantages that put me on a pedestal.

I knock the sword off her hand with my foot, kicking it to the floor, and press the palms of my hands of her shoulders. She struggles too much under me, trying to break free. This makes me unable to make my move in one, swift, painless movement if she keeps wriggling that way. 

So, I choose to punch her in the face, blood immediately pooling out of her nose. Her face turns the side, nearly touching the ground, caused by the hit. Shock causes for her body to immobilise for a good second, and I thrust my blade into her heart without a second thought. My fifth kill. The sound of a cannon echoes in the sky.

I get up again and stare down at her lifeless body, eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape. I crouch down, and close her eyes, pulling onto her eyelids, horrified at the sight of her empty gaze, staring up at me, blaming me. 

I also wish to pay her some kind of respect, considering I was the one that ended her life. Yet, it remained the Capitol's fault. They were the real murderers.

I leave her stiff body in the middle of the woods, eager to get away. She was only a reminder of what the need for survival turned you into. 

After I deem I'm far enough, and not in any potential danger, I sit on a tree log, knife in hand, scanning my surroundings.

✓ Raw and Wild / Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now