A surprising gesture

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Dedicated to the ones who commented. Thank you.

I looked around to see I was in a strange place. I was surrounded by darkness. "You hated Misa and you wished she would die," I heard a voice say. 

"What? No! Yeah she annoyed me, but I would never wish death upon someone," I said. 

"Light probably hates you now. That's why he didn't say much. He hates you," the same voice said. 

"No that's not true!" I yelled tears threatening to fall. 

"And what about L? I bet his opinion has changed about you. He probably thinks that your happy with Misa's death," It said. 

"No!" I yelled. 

"Light, L, and the whole world knows you killed her. What did you do? Strangle her? Put a bag over her head? You probably thought you could get away with it all, since you seem innocent," It taunted. 

"Light and L will never feel the same about you. They don't want anything to do with you anymore. To them, you're just trash thrown to the side of the road. A pitiful sight to see," It kept taunting. 

"No!! Shut up!!!!!" I screamed, tears falling down.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice called and I woke up to see L and Light. "(Y/N)...You were screaming in your sleep," L said. I sat up. Light probably hates you.....And what about L? His opinion probably changed about you. Tears fell down my cheeks and I got up and ran. I ran to the rooftop and cried. It's not true. I didn't kill her. 

"(Y/N)?" L asked. 

"Go away," I said, but he didn't listen. Instead he walked over in front of me. I wiped the tears away. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Is it true?" I asked. 

"Is what true?" He asked. 

"Do you think I killed Misa?" I asked. He seemed a little shocked. 

"No," he said. 

"So you don't hate me?" I asked. 

"No," he said. 

"What about Light? Does he think I killed her?" I asked. 

"I'm 80% sure he doesn't think you did. And he doesn't hate you either," He said. 

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"Are you questioning my intelligence?" He asked and I smiled and giggled. 

"No," I replied. I guess he didn't know he told a joke but he smiled anyways. I hugged him and he reluctantly hugged me back. 

"Thank you, L," I said. 

"If you don't mind me asking, but why did you think Light and I thought you killed Misa?" He asked and I looked up at him. 

"Well...I um....had a nightmare," I said. "So you really don't think any differently of me?" I asked. 

"I don't have a reason to," he said. We both leaned in with our lips only inches apart. 

"Really?" I asked and he moved in closer. 

"Yes," he whispered and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back. He pulled away and we were both blushing. 

"(Y/N)?!" I heard Light call. We both took a step back from each other and Light opened the door. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled.

L and I walked into the building. The three of us walked back to the room and everything continued as normal. I guess Light gave Matsuda the don't-ask-her-what-happened look, because he quickly went back to work when I looked over at him. I flipped on the TV to see what was happening. A blonde haired girl wearing a nice white shirt and a black pencil skirt was sitting at a desk with paper in front of her. 

"We have received information that Misa Amane, the famous model, was reported dead last night. The police say the only witness there was a girl named (Y/N) (L/N). Police are still retrieving details as to what caused her death," The girl said and a picture of me showed up at the mention of my name. I turned it off, not wanting to be reminded. 

"They're holding a funeral for Misa, you don't have to go if you don't want to," Light mentioned. 

"I'll go. I would love for you two to join me," I said. Light and L both nodded. 

"I'm going to go home early today. I'll see you tomorrow," I said and walked out without saying goodbye. Too much has happened within the past month. I finally reached my house and sighed before turning the doorknob.

Kind of a weak ending sorry. Anyways, thanks for reading! ^.^

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